Saturday, September 7, 2024



Zil Topur

Topur wore a crimson robe while attending a session of the Galactic Senate in the main chamber of the Senate Building on the planet Coruscant where Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks proposed that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine be given emergency executive powers to raise a Grand Army of the Republic to combat the Separatist Crisis. Topur was stood in a repulsorpod with Senator Tundra Dowmeia and another Quarren, and the trio applauded Binks’s suggestion, which was soon implemented as the Clone Wars began.

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Imperial Combat Assault Tank Pilot

 Imperial combat assault tank pilots, also known as GAV pilots, GAV troopers, or tank troopers, were Imperial combat drivers specialized in operating tank vehicles, such as the TX-225 GAVw “Occupier” combat assault tank. Under Imperial occupation, the streets of Jedha were patrolled by Imperial combat assault tanks operated by two pilots.

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