Sora Bulq was a male Weequay Jedi who served the Jedi Order. Bulq took it upon himself to train Galdos Stouff as his padawan.
Shaaks were a bulbous mammalian species of non-sentient herbivores that grazed on the grasslands of Naboo. Gentle and non-threatening, shaaks were slow movers.
Plo Koon
Plo Koon was a Kel Dor Jedi Master who served as a member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic. He served as a respected Jedi General during the Clone Wars, a pan-galactic conflict between the Republic and its splinter state, the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Neimoidians, also known as Neimoidian Duros, were a species of humanoids that were distant genetic relatives of Duros.