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Type: Colicoid Creation Nest Scorpenek Annihilator Droid
Scale: Speeder
Degree: Fourth Degree
Class: Battle Droid
Sensor Color: Red
Plating Color: Silver
Gender: Masculine Personality
Personality Module: Simple

Blaster: Laser Cannon 5D
Search: 3D+2

Equipped With:

• Crimson mono-photoreceptor
• Composite radiation sensor
• Light armor (+1D modifier to STR to resist damage)
• Magnetic Feet
• Improved sensors (+2 modifier to Search)
• Dual Rapid-Fire Laser Cannons (10D, 3-75/200/500)
• Deflector Shield Generator
• Locked access (secured shutdown button)

Special Abilities:
Hardened: Designed with ionic redundancy the droid has a +6D modifier to resist ionization stun.
Deflector Shield Generator: Projects a circular shield canopy providing protection from projectiles, energy weapons, and restricts the movement of large, slow-moving objects (such as troop transports and tanks). A creatures may attempt to move through the shield barrier. To do so requires three full rounds of effort and a successful Difficult stamina check each round, failure and the creature is repulsed 1D meters. The shield extends 10 meters and provides 100% cover for creatures within its circumference. It gives a +3D Strength modifier to resist damage ignoring Stunned results. Wounded or better results subtract 1D from the protection dice pool of 14D. Once the pool is depleted the shield collapses, those within no longer have the benefit of cover.

Move: 6/21 (limited speed in confined areas)
Size: 3.5 meters tall
Cost: 36,000 credits
Availability: 1, X

Background: The Scorpenek annihilator droid was a droid constructed by the Colicoid Creation Nest. In essence a much larger version of the Colicoids’ droideka, the annihilator droid was armed with two dual rapid-fire laser cannons cocked back in the menacing form of a rampant scorpion. It could target with either a crimson photoreceptor, or with a composite radiation sensor. It also carried a combination particle-energy shield, similar to the shield produced by the annihilator’s smaller cousin. Because of this extra shield, droidekas would position themselves inside the annihilator’s shield for more protection. With fewer than one hundred annihilators on Colla IV, the Colicoids placed them around strategic or political resources. However, their eye was a large weakpoint and could be easily taken down by the slightest touch to the center of the eye.

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