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Species: Ruping
Type: Flying predator
Plant of Origin: Onderon

Dodge 4D

Search 5D+1


Special Abilities:
Talons: Claws do STR+2D damage.
Bite: Beak does STR+1D damage.
Grapple: A Ruping can grapple a human-sized (or smaller) target with it either or both of it’s taloned feet. If successful, it immobilizes the target completely. The victim can escape by succeeding at an opposed Strength check.
Acute Vision: Ruping have extremely good eyesight for spotting prey from high altitudes. Add +2D to visual search rolls.

Move: 20 (flying)
Size: 8 meter wingspan

Background: A notable reptavian species native to the planet Onderon. They had vocal chords that produced a rasping roar, finger-like wingtips, and a thumb claw that allowed them to grasp and climb with their wings. Loyal and brave creatures, ruping were used as mounts by the Onderon rebels led by Saw Gerrera during the Onderon Civil War, who equipped them with saddles and reins.

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