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Model: BioTech Medkit
Cost: 1,200, 2,200 (black market), 1,000 to reload medpacs
Type: Enhanced first aid and care system
Skill: First aid, medicine
Availability: 2
Game Stats: A medkit functions as a medpac that can be used up to 10 times. The diagnostic instruments in the kit can also be used to diagnose diseases afflicting a patient, to assess health, and for other basic medical uses on an Easy first aid roll. The kit also allows a character with the medicine advanced skill to perform
field surgery (which exhausts the kit’s medpacs)

Background: A larger version of a medpac. These could often been used up to ten times before needing to be restocked with supplies. These compact packages were designed to provide a trained medic with the tools necessary for field care, yet also allow untrained users to provide emergency care. Medkits contained diagnostics instruments that could be used to detect both injuries and diseases. The scanner/computer unit was placed directly on the patient and automatically gave simple directions for care and treatment of injuries, unless the user keyed in a specific sequence to indicate their advanced medical training. The medical computer was not without limits however. Because of their simple design and focus on user-friendliness, the units were usually programmable for diagnosing one species at a time. Additionally, the kits usually included a spray hypo with several medical vials, a spray splint and bandage, a sonic scalpel, laser cauterizer, bone stabilizer compound, and a basic sample analyzer with a few sample vials .medkits are more bulky than medpacs and could not be carried around in one’s belt. One well-known was the BioTech medkit.

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