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Name: Lessu
Planet: Ryloth
Starport Type: Steller
Traffic: Moderate
Control: Imperial / Republic
Docking Areas: 100
Docking Fee: 50 credits per day
Customs: Imperial / Republic
Law Enforcement: Heavy
Services: Fully Serviced
Population: 750,000
Points of Interest: Lessu spaceport, Octagon, Ryloth archives

Background: During the Clone Wars, the Separatist Droid Army, commanded by Wat Tambor, took control of Ryloth and took the Twi’leks prisoner. The Separatists installed a plasma bridge as the only way to get into the city, which they could turn on or shut down. The capital was later freed by the combined forces of freedom fighters and the Galactic Republic, guided by Jedi Master Mace Windu and rebel leader Cham Syndulla, with aerial support from Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano’s fighter squadron.

Following the formation of the Galactic Empire, Senator Orn Free Taa, Vice Admiral Rampart, and the Syndullas were in Lessu. There, General Syndulla urged his people to surrender their weapons to the Imperial Army.

During the Imperial occupation, a female Twi’lek named Isval traveled to the Octagon, a district in the heart of the city of Lessu. There, she encountered a Twi’lek escort named Ryiin and a drunken Imperial officer. After assaulting the Imperial officer, she spirited Ryiin away into a new home where she would be safe from slavery.

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