Name: Grumble Vine
Type: Flora
Location: Langsha-Raang
Availability: R
Special Abilities:
Vine: The plant can sprout several vines and use them to attack multiple targets, depending on its size, and can grow 1 per round when in direct sunlight.
Fast Growth: In sunlight, the Grumble Vine grows massively, gaining 1D in strength per round from its base of 1D until it reaches its maximum 5D. It can also sprout 1 vine per round. If it suffers a wound or worse, the struck vine is destroyed, and its core can only be attacked when it has no vines left.
Sunlight Reliance: The Grumble Vine can only grow and operate in direct sunlight, if it’s vines are shielded from direct light then the vine ceases to function until the light is restored. If the plant’s core is shielded from sunlight, then the vines shrink and retract, and the plant becomes inactive.
Background: The Grumble Vines is a type of plant that can grow massive wild vines when exposed to sunlight. Its vines are strong enough to penetrate massive structures, such as the Jedi Temple on the planet Tenoo. When lacking sunlight, the plant blossoms into a beautiful flower that can produce a pod.
Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures