The Safety Droid Stun Rifle was a weapon used by Safety Droids on At Attin that fired a large stun bolt at targets.
Category: Weapons
Jod’s Blade
Jod Na Nawood acquired a curved blade that he carried with him during his adventures with Wim, Neel, Fern, and KB.
Linh’s Lightsaber
Model: Linh’s LightsaberType: Melee weaponScale: CharacterCost: 1,500Availability: 4, XDifficulty: DifficultDamage: 3D Game Notes: A training lightsaber is, in most respects, like a standard lightsaber, with a few exceptions. Firstly, while the blade can block blaster bolts (with the Lightsaber Combat Force power), these bolts cannot be deflected at targets. It is also much less lethal than a standard lightsaber. It can only inflict […]
Barabo’s Lightsaber
This lightsaber was a blue-bladed crossguard lightsaber utilized by Jedi Master Barabo during the High Republic Era.
S-25 Sonic Imploder
A Sonic Imploder was an explosive device used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, though it also saw use by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
MWC-35c “Staccato Lightning”
The MWC-35c "Staccato Lightning" repeating cannon was a heavy repeating blaster manufactured by Morellian Weapons Conglomerate.
A280-CFE Heavy Blaster Pistol / Rifle
The A280-CFE (covert field edition) convertible heavy blaster pistol, also known as an A280-CFE blaster rifle or simply a A280-CFE blaster, was a modular version of the A280 blaster rifle.