The see, also known as a binocular fish, was a non-sentient, predatory scalefish native to the oceans of the Mid Rim planet Naboo.
Category: Creatures
Exogorths, also known as space slugs, were members of a silicon-based sentient species that resided in the hollows of asteroids and prided themselves on maintaining a pleasant ecosystem within their bodies.
Rontos were four-legged saurian herbivores native to the desert world of Tatooine. Skittish yet gentle and strong, they were the favored pack animals and mounts of the indigenous Jawas.
The Naboo ray was a non-sentient, predatory scalefish native to the oceans of the Mid Rim planet Naboo and, after being introduced there, Naboo's moon Ohma-D'un.
Pelikki were a species of non-sentient, river-dwelling birds from Naboo. They had an expandable throat pouch where they held their aquatic prey when hunting.
Unidentified Bird (Tenoo)
A type of bird inhabited the forests on the planet Tenoo. The bird was attracted to bright things, including a lightsaber.
Motts were a mammalian species of stubby-legged quadrupeds with thick skin, sharp claws, and small horns on their snouts. They had a high reproduction rate, with 15 young per litter.
Peko-peko was a type of flying creature that could be found in the swamps of the planet Naboo. They had blue plumage, a long tail, clawed wings, and a prominent beak.
The typical laa was a green-scaled fish with a long snout and a broad tail. The laa also had a long, thin dorsal fin tipped with a bio-luminescent bulb.