Varactyls were a species of majestic, giant reptavian herbivores native to the world of Utapau.
Category: Creatures
Garganchie was a male Gargantua transported by SF-R3 to Sil Gohtta's Nature Preserve during the High Republic Era. It was Jedi Initiate Lys Solay who named Garganchie.
Gargantua were large, ape-like mammals known for being shy and easily scared despite their formidable size.
The stalwarts were large four-legged creatures living within the caves of an unidentified rocky planet.
The kibbin was a type of rodent-like creature on the planet Tenoo. Raena Zess' pet Figgles was a member of this species.
The riffles were rodents native to the planet Federian. They naturally lived on the Federian trees within the forest and could glide from high places safely.
The Wellagrin were a type of creature native to the frigid planet Andraven. Wellagrins could skim across the snow.