These colorful insects were native flying insects found in the forests of Brendok.
Category: Creatures
Versimillipedes were a type of quadrupedal, brown-skinned species on Jedha, Kenari, and Khofar.
A parasitic species used by the Galactic Republic to subdue violent criminals during the High Republic Era.
Unidentified Pack Beast
A pack beast with cream-colored skin and thick, blue hair, he served Micah and his parents' family.
Unidentified Creature
A small creature with thick white fur and small horns roamed the rocky and snow-covered planet it called its home.
Firehawks were rare birds native to the planet Tenoo. Nash Durango named her starship, the Crimson Firehawk, after them.
Fathiers were a species of quadrupeds that resided in the galaxy. They were often used as mounts, and wealthy inhabitants of Kergans and Cantonica rode them in competition.
Vratheans were a type of huge, tentacled leviathan with a bioluminescent carapace that lived in the oceans of the planet Pabu.
Luminescent Green Ray
Luminescent green rays were a type of bioluminescent ray that dwelt in the oceans of the planet Pabu. They were green in color with flat, disc-shaped bodies and a thin tail.
An Alodile is a large reptile with an armored body, short legs, a muscular tail and a long, rounded snout.