The Leepur was a rare species of creature found on the planet Tenoo.
Category: Creatures
Wampas, or wampa ice creatures, were a carnivorous, semi-sentient white-furred primitive species of mammal which dwelled on the snow-clad planet Hoth.
Boga was a female varactyl, a large lizard-like creature. She dwelled on the planet Utapau, and, in the final days of the Clone Wars, was used by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi as a mount as he engaged General Grievous's forces during the Battle of Utapau.
Sharptailed Fellwing
The Sharptailed Fellwing was a native creature from Tenoo known for its large beak, transparent wings, and extreme playfulness.
Lightle bug
Lightle bugs were small insects native to the planet Tenoo. They lived in a nest as a swarm and emit light as a form of communication.
Puffer Pig
Puffer pigs were a non-sentient, herbivorous, mammalian pig species native to the planet Kyryll's World. Puffer pigs were known to inflate their bodies to a large degree when they felt threatened.
Tibidees were a type of giant silicon-based creature native to Stygeon Prime, though they could also be found on other mountainous Outer Rim planets, such as Oosalon.
“Big Momma” Alpha Fyrnock
Big Momma was a fyrnock known to be many times the size of standard fyrnocks. This creature was far more dangerous than standard fyrnocks, being, in fact, the mother of all fyrnocks.