Action VI transports typically operated in convoys or in well patrolled areas of space.
Category: Capital Ships
Secutor-class Star Destroyer
The Secutor-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Secutor-class battlecarrier, was a type of Star Destroyer, carrier, and battlecruiser used by the Galactic Empire.
Umbaran Support Ship
The Umbaran support ship, also known as the Separatist support ship was a starship used by the Umbaran Militia during the Clone Wars.
DH-Omni Support Vessel
The DH-Omni Support Vessel, also known as the Separatist support ship, Separatist supply ship, or Separatist transport, was a model of massive transport and supply ship manufactured by Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. and utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
Weequay Pirate Ship
A Weequay pirate ship was a type of starship used for transport and operated by Weequay pirates.
Eta-class Supply Barge
The Eta-class supply barge was a type of supply barge used by the Galactic Empire during the Imperial occupation of Jedha to transport kyber crystals that powered the Death Star's superlaser. Larger than the Zeta-class Heavy Cargo Shuttle, the Eta-class could hold multiple pods aloft on a dorsal cargo bed.
Onager-class Star Destroyer
The Onager-class Star Destroyer, nicknamed the Imperial Siege Breaker by members of the Rebel Alliance, was a type of rare capital ship and superweapon deployed by the Galactic Empire that was shrouded in secrecy.
Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser
The Cantwell-class Arrestor Cruiser, also designated as the Cantwell-class 410 cruiser, was a type of cruiser used by the Galactic Empire. Manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards at the request of the Department of Imperial Justice and the Imperial Navy, it featured three powerful tractor beam projectors which it used to ensnare suspect vessels and steer traffic away from construction zones.
Belarus Medium Cruiser
The Belarus-class was originally designed by the Loronar Corporation as an improvement over the corporation's successful Strike-class cruiser and was rushed into production by the New Republic.
Terrapin-class Bulk Tanker
The Terrapin-class Bulk Tanker, also known as the Goji-DF or Turtle Tanker, was a utilitarian starship manufactured by the Corellia Mining Corporation and was used throughout the galaxy during the Clone Wars, with spacious holds that could be partitioned to allow for simultaneous transport of a variety of cargo.