Friday, July 26, 2024

Author: PT White


Alliance Submarine

The Submarine Transport was a Mon Calamari compact submarine developed by Urukaab. The transport used repulsorlift technology to travel quickly and quietly through the water. The design was modified by Alliance Special Forces to transport commandos teams through Imperial-controlled waters.

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Ishi Tib

Ishi Tib were a species of sentient, humanoid amphibians from the planet Tibrin. They had green skin, large eyes that extended from angular stalks on either side of their skull, and a beak-like mouth. Some were seen working for Jabba the Hutt, while others fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

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Sundari was the domed capital city of the planet Mandalore. Nestled within a vast, black-colored dome that protected against the inhospitable desert region of the planet Mandalore in which it was located, Sundari was a large bio-cube city, and the capital city of the New Mandalorian faction.

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