Malé-Dee was a human male politician who served in the Galactic Republic Senate during the Clone Wars' later stages.
Author: PT White
Lachichuk was a male Wookiee warrior and a famed hunter from the planet Kashyyyk. In 19 BBY, he served under Captain Merumeru in a volunteer army during the Battle of Kashyyyk in the final year of the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars.
Tordich Envlo
Tordich Envlo was a near-human male mechanic who served on board an independent freighter during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Pashevir Duine
Pashevir Duine was a male human who worked as an engineer for the Sublights Products Corporation during the Imperial Era.
Dok-Ondar was an Ithorian male collector who operated an antiquities shop in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu on the edge of the Outer Rim Territories.
Dava Cassamam
Dava Cassamam was a Elnacon female from the world of Nacon who was a deep cloud-miner on gas giant planets and was a keen sabacc player.
Utapau Skyforce
The Utapau Skyforce was the planetary defense force of Utapau. During the Clone Wars, it was led by Air Commodore Senin Vant and utilized Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighters.
Umé was a Human female from the Mid Rim planet of Naboo who served as one of Padmé Amidala's handmaidens.
Waks Trode
Waks Trode was an Ishi Tib who, in 19 BBY, was present in the Galaxies Opera House in the Uscru District of the planet Coruscant during a performance of the opera Squid Lake.