A parasitic species used by the Galactic Republic to subdue violent criminals during the High Republic Era.
Author: Emperor Ollie
IG-RM Bodyguard and Enforcer Droid
The IG-RM bodyguard and enforcer droid, more commonly known as the IG-RM thug droid and sometimes known as the IG-RM war droid or IG-RM assassin droid, was a security droid model manufactured by Holowan Laboratories.
Unidentified Pilot Droid
A model of pilot droid was utilized during the High Republic Era. The pilot droids had long and narrow heads as well as a pair of arms; when inactive, they retracted into seats.
MC75 Star Cruiser
The MC75 Star Cruiser, also referred to as the MC75 modified star cruiser, was a model of Star Cruiser in the service of the Alliance Fleet.
Braha’tok-class Gunship
The Braha'tok-class gunship, also known as the Dornean gunship or shortened to Braha'tok, was a model of gunship designed by the Dornean species and built by the Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate to protect the Dornean homeworld, Dornea, and its star system from the Galactic Empire.
TIE/sk x1 “Striker”
The TIE/sk x1 experimental air superiority fighter, also known as the TIE/sk atmospheric fighter or simply the TIE striker, was a streamlined variant of the TIE fighter series starfighters used by the Galactic Empire
Fyrnocks are a species of silicon-based creatures that were initially found in the jungles of the planet Anaxes. After destroying their homeworld, many fyrnocks moved to the resulting asteroid belt, including PM-1203.
Ryder Azadi
Ryder Azadi was a human male who held the rank of Moff and served as the Governor of the Lothal sector during the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign over the Outer Rim planet.