Coruscant Restricts Immigration

Capital Now Harder to Enter
CMoI: Overcrowded Ports are Dangerous

GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – In a move designed to increase local security as well as ease the burden of the already overcrowded arrival ports, the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress has issued new restrictions on all inbound interstellar traffic.

“The port crowding has reached dangerous levels. We can no longer assure the safety of newcomers to this world, or to the citizenry residing adjacent to the ports. In the interests of security, these new measures are needed,” said Minister Zelebitha Effhod

The new measures include the mandatory requirement of a Core World Visa to all incoming vessels complete with valid Coruscant identi-tags, a BoSS Core Worlds operating license, a Perlemian standard passport, and proof of planetary citizenship. Vessels with proper governmental and diplomatic licenses will be exempt from these protocols.

Many of the new arrivals on Coruscant lack any form of proper identification, making it impossible to identify intent. “This is an invitation to disaster,” said Effhod. “Any anti-Republic terrorist could pose as a refugee, and we’d have no way of verifying they’re who they say they are. That could lead to dangerous situations here, on Coruscant. Even without suspects looking to willfully hurt our people, there are safety concerns. That disaster in the Desrini district was a horrible accident that was a direct result of port overcrowding. Those families living in the barrel were there because they couldn’t find anywhere else to go.”

Many free traders and independent operators are incensed by the increased bureaucracy. “It’s not just the added costs of having to pay for the licenses, though that’s bad enough,” said Captain Tonner Dauscha, free trader. “In this business, time is money. How long am I going to be held up at the port, having to get every little form verified?”

In the past, the Corellian Merchants Guild would have opposed such measures, however since Corellia’s withdrawal from the Senate, that powerful lobbying group has lost its voice.

Large interstellar starliners are also feeling the economic pinch, as one of their most popular ports of call may now be priced and complicated out of the comfort range of most of their consumers. “The transit tax made it difficult for refugees to go to the capital. These new ventures may make it altogether impossible, but I guess that’s Coruscant’s intent, isn’t it?” said Galaxy Tours Vice President Bronwynn Koft.

“I’m saddened that it’s come to this. Closing the gates should have been the last option, but it’s instead become the first choice. What’s next? Will Coruscant become the next Corellia?” said Senator Bail Organa (Alderaan), whose world has been taking on the displaced citizenry.

The Refugee Relief Movement has been attempting to communicate the option of alternate ports to the traveling homeless. “Culturally, the image of Coruscant has always been as a haven, far removed from any war or disease or poverty,” said RRM Spokesbeing Kaysil Verwood. “Many refugees just automatically pick it as their destination port. We’re trying to get the word out that there are many, many other worlds in the Core and the Inner Rim that offer just as much opportunity and sanctity. It’s been difficult, but I think we are making progress.”