Tibidon sand whales, also known as just sand whales, were huge creatures with flat bodies, a tail, and five large wing-like fins on each flank. They were relatives of the smaller tibidee.
Month: July 2024
Kitwarr was a male Silverback Wookiee born in 15 BBY and enslaved by the Galactic Empire and his father, Wullffwarro.
Myles Grint
Myles Grint was a human male who served the Galactic Empire for fourteen years after the end of the Clone Wars.
Mk I Saberdart
The Mk I Saberdart, or simply a Kamino saberdart, was a type of toxic dart manufactured by Kaminoan Weaponsmiths, a Kaminoan company headquartered on Kamino.
Pablo-Jill's lightsaber was the personal blue-bladed lightsaber of Jedi Knight Pablo-Jill.
The RA-7 protocol droid 4D6-J-A7 served the Galactic Empire's Imperial Intelligence and Imperial Security Bureau as an administrative assistant during the Age of the Empire.
The Vobati were a little-known sentient species native to Vobes. Valwid Ined was a member of this species.
NovaKite 35-E Porto
The NovaKite 35-E Porto was a highly mobile portable speeder bike manufactured by Ikas-Adno for civilian use.
Unidentified Starfighter (Acolyte)
The starfighter was carried internally aboard Polan-717 Jedi transports to conduct escort duties and to act as a single-person shuttle as needed.