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Model: Kaminoan Weaponsmiths Mk I Saberdart
Type: Dart launcher
Scale: Character
Skill: Missile weapons: dart launcher
Ammo: 4
Cost: 1,500 (Kamino saberdart: 150)
Availability: 4, R
Range: 3-10/30/120
Damage: Kouhun venom: Victim must make a Moderate stamina roll or die. Succeeding the roll means the victim only suffers a -2D Strength penalty.

Game Notes: Darts do no damage to creatures wearing armor that grants at least +1D physical

Background: The Mk I Saberdart, or simply a Kamino saberdart, was a type of toxic dart manufactured by Kaminoan Weaponsmiths, a Kaminoan company headquartered on Kamino.

The Mk I Saberdart was a triangular durasteel dart with a fluid reservoir at its base, which could hold a small amount of poison or toxin. Behind the toxin reservoir, the dart contained a tiny explosive charge. When the dart hit its target, sensors in its tip detonated the charge, forcing the toxin out of the dart in milliseconds. This agent could then be injected into the subject via a sharp central tine, allowing direct access into the target’s bloodstream. Malkite far, Fex-M3 and Sennari were common toxins deployed with these saber darts. Three hooked barbs surrounded the central cylinder. Small cuts on its side could identify the dart.

Poison darts were preferable over more direct assassination means for several reasons. First, with an appropriate toxin, the victim’s death could be nearly instantaneous and essentially guaranteed. Secondly, the use of lethal toxins often incapacitated the target before he even realized what was happening, protecting the identity of the attacker and allowing time for escape. Because of these reasons, these exotic weapons were used by various bounty hunters and criminals across the galaxy, most notably Jango Fett and Jodo Kast. In particular, members of the Assassin’s Guild and Malkite Poisoners favored these darts to administer lethal toxins.

Appearances: Episode II Attack of the Clones

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