Chancellor Welcomes Bestine IV to the New Republic HANNA CITY, CHANDRILA – The New Republic’s newest member, Bespin IV, plans to spend 2.3% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on defense next year, its defense service stated to HoloNet News. Chancellor Mon Mothma welcomed its newest member during a defense hearing in the Galactic Capital. […]
Month: September 2023
Mawood was a Human male Senator in office during the New Republic Era and Ahsoka Tano's search for Ezra.
Vic Hawkins
Lieutenant Vic Hawkins was a First Officer in the New Republic's Defense Fleet around 9 ABY. serving aboard Home One under General Hera Syndulla.
Jai Kell (REBEL S1)
When Ezra Bridger of the Lothal rebels infiltrated the Academy under the fake name "Dev Morgan," he and Jai were put in the same cadet squad. The pair developed a friendly rivalry, with Ezra coming first and Jai second in every training session.
Long used by the Jedi Order, Holosabers were used to track lightsaber strikes. Training droids would hold a pair or two pairs of these tools to training Jedi in the various forms of lightsaber combat.
Jacen Syndulla
Jacen Syndulla was a male child and Twi'lek hybrid who was born during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Beyta was a Mon Calamari who served as a lieutenant and pilot in the Starfighter Corps of the New Republic during the New Republic Era.
The Clone Wars S05E18 The Jedi Who Knew Too Much
As the Republic military takes over the Temple bombing case, Ahsoka finds herself at odds with Admiral Tarkin.