Mykal were flying predators native to the planet Kashyyyk. They attacked their prey with sweeping strikes from the air, instinctively avoiding retaliation.
Month: June 2023
Mar Rugeyan
Mar Rugeyan was a male Human who served as the Senate Head of Public Affairs during the Clone Wars. His office was located on floor 391 of the Support Services Center, Coruscant.
Kinman Doriana
Kinman Doriana, also known as Defender, was a male Human who came from the Chommell sector world of Naboo and served as one of Palpatine's most trusted aides during both the Republic and Imperial eras.
Garm Bel Iblis
Garm Bel Iblis was a human male politician and revolutionary leader who was one of the founding members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the years of the Galactic Republic, Iblis represented his homeworld of Corellia in the Galactic Senate.
The Clone Wars S05E09 A Necessary Bond
When General Grievous launches a full-scale attack on the pirate base on Florrum, Ahsoka and the younglings fight side-by-side with Hondo and his pirates to turn back the Separatist forces.
Greez Dritus
Greez Dritus was a Latero male who lived during the end of the Galactic Republic and into the Imperial Era. He was captain of the Stinger Mantis, a luxury yacht with controls customized for piloting with his four arms.
Chirodactyls, also known as Dathomirian bats, were a species of winged carnivorous creatures native to the planet Dathomir.
Solipo Yeb
Solipo Yeb was a Human male who wore an Andalian cloak. He was a member of the Galactic Senate circa 19 BBY.