The Ostracoda-class gunboat was a sea-going vessel used by the Trade Federation to explore swamps, rivers, and other waterways. The gunboat boasted a rotating anti-aircraft laser turret and two twin laser cannons, as well as an energy bomb launcher.
Month: July 2022
Lagos was a Mandalorian human female cadet of the Royal Academy of Government on Mandalore during the Clone Wars. During her time at the academy, Lagos befriended Korkie Kryze—nephew to Duchess Satine Kryze of the New Mandalorians.
Ardees Beverage
Ardees Beverage was a branded version of Moogan Tea produced by the Commerce Guild after it took control of the planet Mooga.
TIE Boat
The TIE boat was an aquatic superiority manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems. This specialized TIE fighter had been designed to operate underwater but was able to participate in surface assaults. It was powered by a twin ion engine.
Korkie Kryze
Korkie Kryze was a Human male student who attended at the Royal Academy of Government on Mandalore during the Clone Wars. He was the nephew of Bo-Katan Kryze and Duchess Satine Kryze.
Charon were a sentient species with both humanoid and arachnid features. They had four arms, two of which were extremely powerful, and four legs, which made them very stable on their feet.
Imperial Waveskimmer
The Imperial waveskimmer was a small repulsorlift surface ship supported by two sturdy legs angling down from either side.
Zak Zaz
Zak Zaz was a male Mandalorian human doctor who worked at a New Mandalorian hospital in Mandalore's capital city of Sundari during the Clone Wars.
Buirk’alor-class Speeder
The Buirk'alor-class airspeeder was an airspeeder designed and constructed by MandalMotors, a Mandalorian starship company headquartered on the Outer Rim world of Mandalore.