A Dug debris loader was a type of crane used by the Dugs on their homeworld of Malastare.
Month: March 2022
Zillo Beast
A semi-sentient reptilian-insectoid species. In ancient times, these gargantuan creatures preyed upon a native indigenous species, the Dugs.
Besalisks were a humanoid sentient species with four arms and an inflatable wattle that were native to the planet Ojom. Dex's Diner owner and friend of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dexter Jettster, was a Besalisk, as was Pong Krell, a Jedi Master who fell to the dark side of the Force after having a vision of the Jedi's demise during the Clone Wars.
Seripas was a diminutive Ssori male bounty hunter who wore a suit of armor to make him appear average size.
Survival Capsule
Large enough to encompass a single occupant and the chair the capsule was attached to. They are made of a tough, yet flexible, material that allows them to fall from great heights and come to a bouncing landing all while maintaining their structural integrity and protecting the occupant.
The Clone Wars S02E17 Bounty Hunters
Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano form an uneasy partnership with four deadly Bounty hunters to help protect a local farmer from Hondo Ohnaka and his band of pirates.
The Berrites of the planet Berri were considered to be stupid and clumsy by most other species, though they could be deceptively cunning. Berrites were one-meter tall creatures with two arms and four legs. Their skin was green and wrinkled, with patches of coarse black hair. They had poor vision and hearing, but they had a natural sonar ability which compensated for these deficiencies.
Through the use of magnetic acceleration, bowcasters were more powerful and accurate than the average blaster. Designs differed through the materials used and the creator's artistic approach, although the end result was visually similar to a crossbow-like weapon.
A domesticated four-legged species on the planet Malastare which were used as riding mounts by Dug cavaliers. Insectomorphs had a gray hide marked with greenish-yellow stripes. They moved on four legs that ended in two long toe-like pads.