Powersuit used by the Ssori people for protection against larger species.
Month: March 2022
3819 Repulsor Tractor
A sturdy machine for performing agricultural tasks. They can be used with a variety of farm implements for plowing, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting crops, and can also be used for handling materials and personal transportation.
The Wroonians were a blue-skinned species of Near-Humans from the planet Wroona in the Inner Rim, a world in the same sector as the Bestine system.
Sugi was a female Zabrak bounty hunter who operated during the Clone Wars. She befriended the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano while protecting a farming village on Felucia from Hondo Ohnaka and his pirate gang.
Automated Vulture Droid Deployment Station
Also referred to as an Automated Droid Deployment Station or Vulture Droid Base, are equipped with six Vulture-class droid starfighters, contained in sealed pods until an intruder is detected.
SS-54 Assault Ship
Botajef Shipyards, a small shipbuilding concern based on the Outer Rim world of Botajef, conceived of the SS-54 assault ship as a gunship worthy of competing with other starship models on the military market such as the GAT-12 Skipray and the Firespray-31-class patrol craft.
Pikk Mukmuk
Pikk Mukmuk was a Kowakian monkey-lizard kept as a pet by Hondo Ohnaka along side his brother Pilf. Pikk was a member of the Ohnaka Gang, helping Hondo Ohnaka to do his dirty work. At some point, Ohnaka lost Mukmuk and stated that he never truly appreciated him until he was gone.
A form of medical device that can place a being into a hypnotic state, allowing a doctor or law enforcement agent to question them.
Glee Anselm
Glee Anselm was an ocean planet located in the Jalor system of the galaxy's Mid Rim that was the homeworld of the Anselmi and Nautolan species.
Wee Dunn
Wee Dunn was an infant Rodian male who lived on Rodia with his mother, Mahtee Dunn, during the Clone Wars. At an early age he was discovered to be a Force-sensitive, and was to become part of the Jedi Order once he was old enough.