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Scout Trooper (Biker Scout)

<< Previous Page Name: —Type: Imperial Scout TrooperSpecies: HumanHomeworld: —Gender: —Age: 18-35Hair Color: —Eye Color: —Height: —Weight: — DEXTERITY 2DBlaster 3DBrawling Parry 3DDodge 3DGrenade: 3D KNOWLEDGE 2DSurvival: 3D MECHANICAL 2DRepulsorlift operation: speeder bike 3D+2 PERCEPTION 2DCommand: 3DInvestigation: 3DSearch: 3DSneak: 3D STRENGTH 2DBrawling 3D TECHNICAL 2DDemolitions: 3DSecurity: 3D Force Sensitive: NForce Points: 1Dark Side Points: 0Character […]

Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper

Name: Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Type: Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Species: Human DEXTERITY 2D Blaster 4D Brawling Parry 4D Dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 2D MECHANICAL 3D Aquatic vehicle operation 3D+2 PERCEPTION 2D STRENGTH 2D+2 Brawling 3D+2 Swimming 4D+2 TECHNICAL 2D Force Sensitive: NForce Points: 1Dark Side Points: 1Character Points: 3Move 10, 12 (swimming) Equipment: Blaster speargun (blaster: 5D, […]

San Hill

<< Previous Page Name: San HillType: BankerHomeworld: MuunilinstSpecies: MuunGender: MaleBorn: —Died: —Hair Color: NoneEye color: Gold Height: 1.91 metersWeight: —Skin color: Pasty yellow DEXTERITY 2D+1Blaster 2D+2Dodge 4D+2 PERCEPTION 4DBargain 8DCommand: 6DCon 7DGambling 4D+2Hide 5DInvestigation 5D+1Persuasion 8DSneak 4D+1 KNOWLEDGE 3D+2Alien Species 5D+2Bureaucracy 8DBusiness 8D+2Cultures 6DIntimidation 5D+2Languages 6DStreetwise 4D+1Tactics 5D+1Value 7D+2Willpower 5D STRENGTH 2D MECHANICAL 2D+2Communications 5DRepulsorlift […]


<< Previous Page Name: AdarianHome Planet: Adari Attribute Dice: 12DDEXTERITY 1D+1/3D+1KNOWLEDGE 2D/4DMECHANICAL 2D/4DPERCEPTION 1D/3D+2STRENGTH 1D+2/3D+2TECHNICAL 2D/4D+1 Special Skills:(A) Carbon-Ice Drive Programming / Repair: Time to use: Several minutes to several days. This advanced skill is used to program and repair the unique starship interfaces for the Carbon-Ice-Drive, a form of macro-scale computer. The character must […]


<< Previous Page Name: AbinyshiHomeworld: Inysh Attribute Dice: 12DDEXTERITY 2D/4DKNOWLEDGE 1D+2/4D+1MECHANICAL 1D/3DPERCEPTION 2D+2/4D+2STRENGTH 2D/4DTECHNICAL 1D+1/3D+2 Special Abilities:Prehensile Tail: Abinyshi can use their tails as a third arm at -1D their die code. In combat, the tail does Strength damage. Story Factors:Believed Extinct: Nearly all beings in the galaxy believe the Abinyshi to be extinct. Move: […]