<< Previous Page Name: —Type: Imperial Scout TrooperSpecies: HumanHomeworld: —Gender: —Age: 18-35Hair Color: —Eye Color: —Height: —Weight: — DEXTERITY 2DBlaster 3DBrawling Parry 3DDodge 3DGrenade: 3D KNOWLEDGE 2DSurvival: 3D MECHANICAL 2DRepulsorlift operation: speeder bike 3D+2 PERCEPTION 2DCommand: 3DInvestigation: 3DSearch: 3DSneak: 3D STRENGTH 2DBrawling 3D TECHNICAL 2DDemolitions: 3DSecurity: 3D Force Sensitive: NForce Points: 1Dark Side Points: 0Character […]
Month: February 2020
Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper
Name: Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Type: Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Species: Human DEXTERITY 2D Blaster 4D Brawling Parry 4D Dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 2D MECHANICAL 3D Aquatic vehicle operation 3D+2 PERCEPTION 2D STRENGTH 2D+2 Brawling 3D+2 Swimming 4D+2 TECHNICAL 2D Force Sensitive: NForce Points: 1Dark Side Points: 1Character Points: 3Move 10, 12 (swimming) Equipment: Blaster speargun (blaster: 5D, […]
San Hill
<< Previous Page Name: San HillType: BankerHomeworld: MuunilinstSpecies: MuunGender: MaleBorn: —Died: —Hair Color: NoneEye color: Gold Height: 1.91 metersWeight: —Skin color: Pasty yellow DEXTERITY 2D+1Blaster 2D+2Dodge 4D+2 PERCEPTION 4DBargain 8DCommand: 6DCon 7DGambling 4D+2Hide 5DInvestigation 5D+1Persuasion 8DSneak 4D+1 KNOWLEDGE 3D+2Alien Species 5D+2Bureaucracy 8DBusiness 8D+2Cultures 6DIntimidation 5D+2Languages 6DStreetwise 4D+1Tactics 5D+1Value 7D+2Willpower 5D STRENGTH 2D MECHANICAL 2D+2Communications 5DRepulsorlift […]
Imperial Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers, nicknamed "bucketheads" and—after the Battle of Endor—Remnant Stormtroopers, were the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire.
The Aing-Tii were a secretive species of alien monks who hailed from a world within the Kathol Rift and resided near that area of space. Many members of the species were Force-sensitive; these were the only Aing-Tii who ever left their planet, traveling about the Rift in large, organic starships and using advanced weaponry to destroy those who opposed them.
Aganof were non-humanoid sentients native to the underground caves of Kuras III in Elrood sector. They had long bodies that moved low to the ground on rows of small "legs".
The Adnerem were a tall, thin, humanoid species of mammal native to the pleasure planet of Adner in the Yataga sector of the Expansion Region. Descended from scavenger-hunters, they had large triangular heads with wide eyes and a large lump in the center of the forehead called an echo chamber. Their thin arms each ended in four talons with no opposable thumb.
<< Previous Page Name: AdarianHome Planet: Adari Attribute Dice: 12DDEXTERITY 1D+1/3D+1KNOWLEDGE 2D/4DMECHANICAL 2D/4DPERCEPTION 1D/3D+2STRENGTH 1D+2/3D+2TECHNICAL 2D/4D+1 Special Skills:(A) Carbon-Ice Drive Programming / Repair: Time to use: Several minutes to several days. This advanced skill is used to program and repair the unique starship interfaces for the Carbon-Ice-Drive, a form of macro-scale computer. The character must […]
<< Previous Page Name: AbinyshiHomeworld: Inysh Attribute Dice: 12DDEXTERITY 2D/4DKNOWLEDGE 1D+2/4D+1MECHANICAL 1D/3DPERCEPTION 2D+2/4D+2STRENGTH 2D/4DTECHNICAL 1D+1/3D+2 Special Abilities:Prehensile Tail: Abinyshi can use their tails as a third arm at -1D their die code. In combat, the tail does Strength damage. Story Factors:Believed Extinct: Nearly all beings in the galaxy believe the Abinyshi to be extinct. Move: […]
The Aar’aa are a species of color-changing aliens from the planet Aar who have come to be known as “skinchangers.” They are made famous around the galaxy due to the nature of their color-changin skin; given enough time, an Aar’aa can change his skin tone to exactly match the backdrop against which he is set.