Episodes – Story – Characters – Vehicles – Planets – Aliens – Droids – Creatures – Equipment – Force Powers

“The Rustler Roundup”
The nerf rustling
With Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna’s permission, Kai Brightstar and Padawan Bell Zettifar borrow a shuttle and travel to a town to help the local people. They are accompanied by Zettifar’s pet charhound Ember. Speaking via holoprojector, Master Zia briefs them about the mission. Zettifar adds that he is familiar with Mayor Brooks and says he is a nice guy.
After landing in the town, they find the Dyplotid Mayor Brooks rallying the townsfolk for a campaign against the rustlers, whom he accuses of stealing their herd of nerfs. The townsfolk cheer at his belligerent rhetoric. Brooks recognizes Zettifar and asks about his companion Brightstar. Brightstar introduces himself as a friend of Zettifar, prompting Brooks to describe him as a de-facto friend as well. When Zettifar asks if Brooks was going to start a fight, Brooks explains that he was mustering the townsfolk to help recover a herd of nerfs that was stolen last night.
Brightstar is keen to joint the hunt and draws his lightsaber. Zettifar reminds the younger Jedi that a Jedi never rushes into a fight. Brightstar agrees and says that they should talk things out. Zettifar then proposes negotiating with the rustlers but Brooks believes that diplomacy will not work, dismissing the rustlers as a “rough and tumble crew.” Brooks vows vengeance and rallies the locals. Zettifar urges the locals and the Mayor to give diplomacy a chance. Brooks reluctantly agrees to let Zettifar attempt to negotiate with the rustlers.
Brooks warns Zettifar against taking his shuttle due to an incoming dust storm that would damage his ship’s engines. When Brightstar asks if they have landspeeders, Brooks lends the two Jedi a pair of dunnels. Brooks agrees to let the Jedi attempt to recover the nerfs but warns that he will take matters into his own hands if they fail.
Confrontation and recovery
While traveling through a canyon with Ember, they encounter three rustlers who are led by a dark-skinned human woman named Somna, a blonde human man and an orange alien with spikes on his head. The woman tells the Jedi not to move further since the nerfs now belong to them. When Zettifar counters that the nerfs belong to the town, the woman is unmoved and says that they stole them. When Brightstar asks if they tried buying them from the town, the rustlers laugh. The woman likens trading with Mayor Brooks to dealing with a rancor and says that they took what is theirs. She demands that the Jedi walk away and vows to beat them in a fight.
While Zettifar is still determined to recover the nerfs, he realizes that they are no match for the rustlers. They walk away but Zettifar tells Brightstar that he has a plan. Later that night, the Jedi sneak to the edge of the valley where they find the rustlers asleep and the stolen herd penned up. The nerfs are guarded by a pair of security droids armed with electrostaffs. Brightstar proposes sneaking through the rocks and freeing the herd. While Ember stays behind to serve as a lookout, the two Jedi climb down the hill and navigate through the rocks.
However, Zettifar dislodges a rock, alerting the droids to their position. The two Jedi are forced to fight against the droids with their lightsabers. Somna briefly hears the sound of lightsabers but goes back to sleep. The droids gain the upper hand against the two Jedi and corner them against a large boulder. Ember intervenes and grabs one of the droids’ electrostaff. While the droid is distracted, Brightstar opens its rear console and powers it down. Zettifar subsequently does a backflip with the other droid and powers it down too. Zettifar thanks Ember for her help. With the rustlers still asleep, the two Jedi open the corral gate and usher the nerfs out.
Caught in the middle
The following day, the two Jedi and the herd approach the town. However, the three rustlers catch up to them with speeder bikes and block the herd’s path. Somna gives them credit for rustling the herd from them and demands that they return the herd. The three are armed with electrostaffs.
When Zettifar reiterates that the herd belongs to the town, Somna expresses disagreement. When Brightstar adds that the nerfs need to be returned to their real owners, Somna reveals that she and her fellow rustlers are the real owners. She explains that they worked hard to finally get back what was promised to their ancestors, who generations ago left the town and set out on their own. Although they were promised part of the herd, the townsfolk did not keep their promises, forcing them to beg and scavenge for survival.
Zettifar agrees that the town should have kept their promise, but adds that it is wrong to steal. Brightstar offers to help them resolve the dispute with Brooks, and Somna agrees to let the Jedi help them. Just then, Mayor Brooks arrives with a posse of the townspeople riding on dunnels. Brooks is eager to find with the rustlers and insults them. The Jedi offer to negotiate the dispute but the Dyplotid reiterates that the rustlers stole their heard and vows to fight.
Rustlers to the rescue
The townsfolk attack the rustlers with shovels and pitchforks. The rustlers fight back with their electrostaffs. The herd of nerfs begins to panic due to the commotion. Brightstar attempts to warn them but to no avail. One of the electrostaffs falls near one of the nerfs, prompting the herd to flee towards a cliff. Mayor Brooks promptly leads the townsfolk in mounting their steeds to pursue the stampeding herd. The Jedi also give chase. Brooks attempts to lasso a horned nerf but the rope breaks. Brooks begs the Jedi for help in turning the nerfs around.
Zettifar and Brightstar attempt to convince the herd to turn around by dismounting and flashing their lightsabers. However, their efforts are futile. Before the herd can reach the edge of the cliff, though, the three rustlers arrive on their speeder bikes and divert the herd back to town. Mayor Brooks speaks to Somna and thanks her for risking their lives to support the herd.
Reconciliation and restoration
Somna apologizes for stealing the heard. Brooks accepts her apology. When the head rustler demands that the mayor honor the promise that was given to her ancestors, Brooks asks if the folks who left their town a long time ago were her ancestors. The head rustler confirms this is the case. The Mayor is aware of the story but admits not realizing that the rustlers were their descendants. Zettifar advises Brooks to adopt a more friendly persona when dealing with the public. Brooks apologizes for losing his temper and agrees to give the herd to the rustlers.
Brightstar is pleased that the townsfolk and the rustlers have managed to resolve their differences peacefully while acknowledging that stealing is wrong. Brightstar wants to hug a nerf but changes its mind after it licks his face.
“A New Discovery”
A fellow enthusiast
The episode opens on the planet Tenoo with Lys Solay and a female human Jedi Initiate named Myra riding down a ridge on their dunnel steeds. While Solay is enjoying her ride, Myra is having a bumpy ride on her steed. The two bring their dunnels to the edge of a creek. While their animals drink from the river, Myra tells Solay that she is enjoying her time experiencing Tenoo’s natural scenery. Like Solay, Myra has a love for animals. When SF-R3 (“Aree) brought these dunnels to the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Solay said that she had to try then out. While leaning over her saddle, Myra accidentally kicks her dunnel, which causes it to stand on its hind legs before crouching down. Solay talks about learning a lot from dunnels.
The two ride back to the stables to check on Kai Brightstar and Nubs. While Solay is familiar with her dunnel, Myra is not as experienced and has some difficulty dismounting. The two girls are greeted by Brightstar and Nubs, the latter of whom is caring several bales of hay. When Brightstar asks Myra how was her ride with the dunnels, she quips it was terrible before saying that it was amazing and scratching the chest of her dunnel.
A new mission
Aree and CAM contact them via holoprojector. Aree tells Solay and Myra that there is an uncatalogued creature in their area and asks them for their assistance in tracking it. Aree explains that the creature is called a Leepur, which is rare and undocumented. When Myra asks for more information, Aree explains that all that he knows about the creatures is that they are small, have a stripe on their backs, and make singing noises. Aree warns that leepurs don’t stay in places for long and tells them to be fast. Solay promises to get an entry on the creature in the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts’ Creature Guide. Before ending the hologram conversation, Aree assigns Solay with leading the expedition.
Brightstar and Nubs stay behind to clean the stables. Solay and Myra depart on their dunnels. Both girls are enthusiastic. They ride deep into the coordinates into the Tenoo tree forest where the leepur was last sighted. Before they can conduct their search, the two girls are distracted by a rodent-like sciuridi, which Myra recognizes from the Creature Guide. However, the sciuridi suddenly growls before retreating up a tree. Solay thinks they may have made the sciuridi more nervous. Myra notices some unfamiliar tracks, which they decide to follow.
The sinkhole adventure
The two girls and their dunnels follow the trail, which leads to the edge of a deep sinkhole. Though the tracks have disappeared, Myra notices that leaves on a nearby bush are rustling. She hears some chittering and notices a small furry creature with stripes on the back. Recognizing the creature as the leepur, she begins to follow it down the sinkhole. Solay is wary about venturing down the sinkhole but Myra is determined to follow the leepur. The two girls navigate down the network of roots.
While climbing down a network of vines, Myra loses her footing and falls. Solay follows her friend but also loses her grip on the vines. The two land in an underground garden of plants at the base of the sinkhole. Solay’s holocam is damaged during the fall while Myra left her holocam with her bagpack at the top. Solay grumbles about losing the leepur and her holocam while Myra regrets letting herself get over-excited and unable to focus. Solay apologizes for rushing in her eagerness to prove that she is a good leader.
Just then, rain starts pouring down the roots and vines into the underground garden. Solay finds the roots too slippery to climb. Myra discovers a passage which leads to a low incline covered by roots and stones. This passage is dry since it is sheltered from the rain. They find the leepur stranded on top of a rockface. Seeing the creature is trapped, they attempt to follow it. The rock that Myra is standing upon shatters but Solay pulls her to safety. Thinking that the creature is going too fall, Myra uses the Force to levitate it.
The leepur is frightened. As the rock that it is standing on begins to shatter, Solay offers it snacks. As the rest of the rock disintegrates, the leepur leaps into the safety of Solay’s hands. As their ledge disintegrates, the two jump to another ledge. Following the sunlight, the two climb up the passage back onto the jungle floor. Reaching the top, the leepur leaps away into the forest. Myra and Solay accept that they have a lot to learn from their jungle adventure today.
Mission accomplished
The two head back to the Jedi Temple on their dunnel steeds. Myra and Solay recount their jungle adventure to Nubs and Brightstar. Though they believe the creature has gone, they are delighted to find that the leepur has followed them back to the Jedi Temple’s training grounds. When Brightstar and Nubs approach the creature, Solay advises them to let it come to them. She gives the leepur a cracker while Nubs snaps a picture of the leepur with Myra’s holocam.
Later, Aree thanks Solay and Myra for their work in cataloguing the leepur and tells them that he has added their research to the Galactic Creature Guide. Myra is proud of her first entry. Aree then assigns the girls with a new mission to catalogue the Federian erbling.



Planets / Location



