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Lys Solay takes three new Jedi Initiates Bren, Linh, and Zotti on a guided tour of the Tenoo tree forest. The Rodian youngling Zotti asks Solay if the forest is home to bugs that glow at night. Solay confirms that the forest is home to lightle bugs, which she describes as beautiful. Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna contacts them via hologram, reminding Solay to stay together and focused.

Following Zia’s reminder, Solay leads them towards the riverbank where they encounter a Sharptailed Fellwing, which lets the children play with itself. The Fellwing picks up Zotti with its beak and takes him for a ride. Solay and the other younglings quickly realize the situation and follow the fellwing to its nest, which rests on the branch of a giant Tenoo tree. They find Zotti playing with the fellwing in its nest. However, Solay thinks the youngling is in danger, and decides to lead a rescue.

Solay leads Bren and Linh up the tree. Linh helps Bren up. Since the fellwing nest is on a high branch, Bren thinks that he can’t make the Force jump. Solay sees a long vine. The three younglings use the Force to pull the long vine towards them. A brown rodent lands on Solay’s head but she stays focus. They use the vine to climb up to the fellwing’s nest. The three younglings are relieved to find Zotti safe and happy with the fellwing.

Zotti apologizes for getting distracted. Solay is sympathetic, saying that she also has to manage her distractions. Solay convinces the other younglings to follow her towards the lightle bug nest. However, they find the nest empty and start to panic. Fortunately, a swarm of lightle bugs arrives and converges around the three younglings. Solay takes the opportunity to welcome the younglings to Tenoo.



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