Today’s Traveler – The Art of Dealing with Snivvians A Galactic Phrasebook & Travel Guide SupplementBy Ebenn Q3 Baobab; A HNN Special Feature A gregarious and proud species, the Snivvians have insinuated themselves throughout the Great Republic, and can be found throughout its splendored and scattered regions. Nowhere else have the Snivvians have made so […]

Flugg Opts for New Arm ARIANA, GAROS IV – After missing his 15th game in two years due to chronic elbow injuries, hi-lo ball hurler Garcy Flugg has decided to install a mechno-arm, according to his agent Guire Sleazebaggano.“Fluggy will undergo the procedure tomorrow and should be back at practice with the team in five […]

Brawl at Regional Dejarik Tournament KANTI, ARKANIA – The holomonsters weren’t the only opponents bludgeoning each other at the Colonies region Dejarik tournament last weekend.Deep into his quarter-final match, Ohh Bronna looked well on his way to repeat his sector championship title against yonta-level player Corwin Kaezeb. Unexpectedly, Kaezeb’s ng’ok sprinted across the board, pushing […]

Droid Rights Activists Decry Brilliant Missiles MID RIM NODE – The Coalition of Automaton Rights Activists has issued a decree criticizing Arakyd Industries for their latest model of Vindicator XM-15 “brilliant” missiles, saying that the central processor is so advanced as to be considered sentient. “This is far beyond a mindless battle droid,” read the […]

Senator Tikkes Jumps Bail CORAL CITY, MON CALAMARI – Quarren authorities are on the alert following a daring escape by Senator Tikkes (Mon Calamari) from house arrest. Tikkes was one of four Senators implicated in an Outer Rim slave ring scandal last week. “Let not his activities color perceptions of innocence or guilt in his […]

Quest for Quasar Fans Don’t Like Ottekvar BALDERDASH, ADARLON – Although the entertainment industry is abuzz with the casting choice of Harlan Ottekvar for the role of Lord Baltharog in Myris Pictures’ big-budget Quest for Quasar adaptation, a small but vocal undercurrent of devoted fans have taken to the HoloNet to criticize the decision. “According […]

Boon Calls Loyalists a Shadow Government GALACTIC CITY, CORUSCANT – Sy Myrthian com-host Brookish Boon once again found himself at the center of controversy when he accused Palpatine’s Loyalist Committee of being a shadow government that is running things outside the control of the Senate. Palpatine’s aide, Kinman Doriana, rebuffed such claims on rival morning […]

Tanjay IV Representative Dead in Crash BINDAI DISTRICT, CORUSCANT – Nemrileo irm-Drocubac (Tanjay IV) died yesterday when his aircar collided with a heavy-equipment delivery vehicle in the S-93 area of the Bindai District. Investigators currently believe internal guidance system errors in the delivery vehicle are to blame for the accident, but have yet to confirm […]

Moe’s Bomb Identified NEW ESCROW, AARGAU – Malastarian investigators have identified Baktoid Armor Workshop components in the remains of the bomb that killed Senator Aks Moe last week. The team of 15 experts and their droids has found a set of Baktoid T-44 power-shunts responsible for the catastrophic overload that destroyed the Senator’s speeder. “Unfortunately, […]

Kabal Riots Quelled by Separatists; 4 Jedi Among the Dead SHORIBUS, KABAL – The deadly riots that have filled the streets of Shoribus were quelled earlier this week when freighters from Separatist worlds arrived at Kabal and airdropped food parcels to the hungry populace.Damage and casualty figures from the month-long rioting have yet to be […]