Rystáll Sant was adopted by Ortolan musicians on Coruscant. She had an artistic personality, like many Theelin, and had a graceful dancer's body.
Tag: Star Wars
Sateen Vestswe
Sateen Vestswe was a human who served as an aide to Senator Bail Organa of the planet Alderaan during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic.
Dznori Xam
Dznori Xam was a Kallidahin technician who worked on a dig site run by the Archaeological Research Council in the Polis Massa asteroid belt.
Ghorman was a terrestrial planet located in the Ghorman System in the Sern sector within an intersecting portion of the Interior and the Colonies regions.
Sate Pestage
Sate Pestage was a human male official who served on the Ruling Council of the Galactic Empire.
Steelpeckers were a non-sentient species of carrion bird native to the planet Jakku. The birds were ragged and mangy in appearance, with scraggly black feathers.
J’oopi Shé
J'oopi Shé was a Force-sensitive Kadas'sa'Nikto from the planet Kintan who became a Jedi Master in the Technical division of the Jedi Order, the guardians of the Galactic Republic.
Dezine Krisso
Dezine Krisso was a human female who was one of a class of school children that was kidnapped whilst on a field trip to Oba Diah and enslaved at the spice mines of Kessel.
Lark and Jonk
Lark and Jonk, nicknamed the twins, was a Danzikan who lived during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Zuzanu Latt
Zuzanu Latt was a light-skinned human who served the Galactic Empire as an Imperial Fleet Trooper corporal.