A-A4B Truckspeeder

<< Previous Page Craft: Modified Heavy Transports A-A4B TruckspeederType: Heavy truckspeederScale: SpeederLength: 4.22 metersSkill: Repulsorlift operation: truckspeederCrew: 1Passengers: NoneCargo Capacity: 250 kilogramsCover: 1/2Altitude Range: Ground level up to 3 metersCost: 22,000 / Used 15,000Maneuverability: 1DMove: 45; 160 kmhBody Strength: 2D+2Customization Points: 4Game Notes:Custom Storage: The passenger side storage area has been converted by Moloch so […]

Lando Calrissian (SOLO)

Landonis Balthazar Calrissian, also known as Lando Calrissian, was a human male smuggler, gambler, and card player who became Baron Administrator of Cloud City and, later, a general in the Rebel Alliance. Born on Socorro, he was the owner of the Millennium Falcon before losing it to Han Solo in a game of sabacc on Numidian Prime. After losing the Falcon, Calrissian put an end to his days as a smuggler and became an entrepreneur, setting up a small mining operation on the planet Lothal before eventually becoming the leader of Cloud City in the skies of the planet Bespin.