Affavan was a smoggy Hutt Space gambling world that lay on the Hollastin Run hyperlane.
Tag: planets
Adumar was a temperate planet located near the Coreward edge of Wild Space first settled by Humans in the Ductavis Era.
Acherin was a terrestrial planet located in the Red Twins system in Wild Space. During the Clone Wars, the planet of Acherin joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Adim was a terrestrial planet located in the Adim system, a part of the Inner Rim's Adari sector. It was the site of a town that functioned as a mining colony.
Abrion Major
Abrion Major was one of the hundreds of agriworlds located in the Outer Rim Territories' Abrion sector.
Abregado-taki was a planet in the Abregado system within the Borderland Regions of the Core Worlds.
Abregado-san was the second planet from the star Anza in the Abregado system within the Core Worlds region.
Abregado-dai was the innermost planet from the sun Anza of the Abregado system within the Core Worlds region.
Abo Dreth
Abo Dreth was a planet in the Abo Dreth system, within the Corporate Sector of the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Located in the Tingel Arm, it was large and, at least from orbit, dark brown in color, and its terrain was sprinkled with hundreds of silver lakes and rivers.
Abanol was a planet, the second orbiting the star Beshqek of the Beshqek system, within the Deep Core region of the galaxy. It was a toxic rock orbited by a single moon and neighbor to the mythical world of Byss.