Ganodi was a female Rodian Jedi initiate during the Clone Wars. She attended a Gathering on Ilum, where, along with other Jedi initiates, she would find her lightsaber crystal in Ilum's Crystal Caves.
Tag: Padawan
Knox was a male Nautolan Jedi Padawan who was the apprentice of Jedi Master Halsey during the Clone Wars.
Ashla was a Jedi youngling during the waning years of the Jedi Order. Along with many of her fellow younglings, she received instruction from Jedi Master Yoda.
Ahsoka Tano (TCW S2)
Ahsoka Tano was a former Jedi Padawan who, after the Clone Wars, helped establish a network of various rebel cells against the Galactic Empire.
Ezra Bridger (REBELS S1)
Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive human male, was a Jedi Padawan, a freedom fighter, and a revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.