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Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS)

<< Previous Page Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi (as of Revenge of the Sith)Type: Jedi MasterSpecies: HumanHomeworld: StewjonGender: MaleBorn: —Died: 0 BBY (1000 GC)Hair Color: GrayEye Color: Gray-BlueHeight: 1.75 metersWeight: 91 KgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3DBlaster: 5DBrawling Parry: 6DDodge: 6DLightsaber: 11DMelee Combat: 6DMelee Parry: 8DVehicle Blasters: 4D+2 PERCEPTION 3DBargain: 7DCommand: 9D+1Con: 6DHide: 6D+2Investigation: 6DSearch: 6D+1Sneak: 7DValue: 5D KNOWLEDGE 3DAlien Species: 8DBureaucracy: 6DCultures: 6DIntimidation: 4D+1Languages: 6DPlanetary Systems: 5DScholar: Jedi Lore […]

Obi-Wan Kenobi (TCW)

<< Previous Page Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi (as of The Clone Wars)Type: Jedi MasterSpecies: HumanHomeworld: StewjonGender: MaleBorn: —Died: 0 BBY (1000 GC)Hair Color: GrayEye Color: Gray-BlueHeight: 1.75 metersWeight: 91 KgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3DBlaster: 5DBrawling Parry: 4DDodge: 6DLightsaber: 8D+2Melee Combat: 6DMelee Parry: 8DVehicle Blasters: 4D+2 PERCEPTION 3DBargain: 6DCommand: 6DCon: 6DHide: 6D+1Investigation: 6DSearch: 6DSneak: 6DValue: 5D KNOWLEDGE 3DAlien Species: 6DBureaucracy: 6DCultures: 6DIntimidation: 4D+1Languages: 6DPlanetary Systems: 5DScholar (Jedi […]

Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC)

<< Previous Page Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi (as of Attack of the Clones)Type: Jedi KnightSpecies: HumanHomeworld: StewjonGender: MaleBorn: —Died: 0 BBY (1000 GC)Hair Color: BrownEye Color: Gray-BlueHeight: 1.75 metersWeight: 91 KgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3DBlaster: 5DBrawling Parry: 4DDodge: 6DLightsaber: 8D+2Melee Combat 4DMelee Parry 8D PERCEPTION 3DBargain: 5DCommand: 6DCon: 5DHide: 5D+1Investigation: 6DSearch: 6DSneak: 6DValue: 5D KNOWLEDGE 3DAlien Species: 6DBureaucracy: 6DCultures: 6DIntimidation: 4DLanguages: 6DPlanetary Systems: 5DScholar (Jedi Lore): […]

Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)

<< Previous Page Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi (as of The Phantom Menace) Type: Jedi PadawanSpecies: HumanHomeworld: StewjonGender: MaleBorn: —Died: 0 BBY (1000 GC)Hair Color: BrownEye Color: Gray-BlueHeight: 1.75 metersWeight: 91 KgSkin: Light DEXTERITY 3DBlaster: 4DBrawling Parry: 4DDodge: 4DLightsaber: 8D+2Melee Combat 4DMelee Parry 6D PERCEPTION 3DBargain: 5DCommand: 5DCon: 4DHide: 3D+1Investigation: 4DSearch: 4DSneak: 4D+2Value: 4D KNOWLEDGE 3DAlien Species 5D+2Bureaucracy 4DLanguages: 4DPlanetary Systems: 4DScholar (Jedi Lore): 6D+1Streetwise: 4DSurvival: 5DTactics: […]