Salporin was a Wookiee warrior in the Kachirho Wookiee Militia in the Wookiee Army of the Galactic Republic.
Tag: desix
Osh Scal
Osh Scal was a Kallidahin who worked for the Archaeological Research Council as a technician on a dig site in the Polis Massa asteroid belt.
Star Wars Rebels – S01E15 – “Fire Across the Galaxy”
The Ghost crew makes a final desperate attempt to rescue Kanan from the Empire. Who will fall?
Sheltay Retrac
Sheltay Retrac was a human from the planet Alderaan. Born to Alderaanian nobility, she served as the head of Senator Bail Organa's team of aides in the Alderaanian delegation of the Galactic Republic's Senate during the Clone Wars.
Ruwee Naberrie
Ruwee Naberrie was a human male and a member of the Naberrie family. He was the father of Sola Naberrie and Padmé Amidala.
Jobal Naberrie
Jobal Naberrie was a human female from the planet Naboo. A member of the Naberrie family, she was the mother of Sola Naberrie and Padmé Amidala.
Pooja Naberrie
Pooja Naberrie was a human female from Naboo whose mother was Sola Naberrie; she also had a sister, Ryoo.
Merumeru was a male Wookiee chieftain and captain from the planet Kashyyyk. In the last days of the Clone Wars, he led a group of Wookiee warriors into battle against the Confederacy of Independent Systems on his homeworld.
Moteé was a human female. She served as a member of the Naboo Royal Handmaidens, protecting Padmé Amidala during the final days of the Clone Wars.