A species of insectoid beings was found in the galaxy. Among their numbers was Neeva, an employee of the criminal Boggs Triff.
Tag: Aliens
The Ozrelanso were a sentient species found in the galaxy. Male members of the species had lekku that grew on the sides of the their skulls.
A humanoid reptilian sentient species native to the planet Phindar that featured green skin, yellow eyes, elongated skulls, and long arms that extended past their knees.
Kessurians were a sentient species. They had elongated ears and montrals, which increased their senses. Wilsa Teshlo was a Kessurian thilas, second in line to the throne, but refused to be trapped in the life of royalty, and fled to join the Veiled Sorority pirate gang.
Dwuni were a diminutive sentient species that existed in the galaxy. Blawz and Crodit, who were present on Kessel, were members of the species.
Abednedos were a sentient species native to the planet of the same name in the Colonies region of the Galaxy. Abednedo were humanoid and mammalian, and their face featured dangling mouth tendrils and two fleshy nostrils.
The Urodel were sentient amphibians. Bollie Prindel was a member of this species, as was an individual present in CoCo Town on the planet Coruscant.
Force Wielder
Force wielders, or Force-wielders, were an enigmatic sentient species of highly Force-sensitive beings with the power to alter their forms. The Force wielders were known for their affinity to the Force and it was believed they were god-like beings.
Vassian were a near-human species distinguished by the double rows of four horns that ran along the sides of their heads, as well as their blue or green skin and purple or yellow eyes.