Model: Star Compass
Type: Navigation Device
Skill: Knowledge: Wayfinding
Cost: 100,000 credits
Availability: R
Game Notes: Star Compasses are very rare as they were designed for Jedi Wayfinders during the Old Republic Era. They were last used during the High Republic Era, and the few that still exist are largely found in private collections or in the hands of pirates, making them very valuable.
Background: The Star Compass was a very rare palm-sized circular device that aided in interstellar travel. It could be open and shut like a locket and held in place by an aurodium clamp. The lid of the compass was engraved with astromeridian etch lines, while the innards of the compass were stylized with a graduated bezel. At the center of the device was a plasma-encased supraluminite lodestone that was attuned to specific points in hyperspace. Luke Skywalker’s compass was attuned to a route leading to Ahch-To, where the first Jedi temple was located.
Appearances: Skeleton Crew, Episode VIIIĀ The Last Jedi