Name: Sabine Wren (as of Ahsoka)
Type: Mandalorian Jedi Padawan / Artist
Species: Human
Homeworld: Mandalore / Krownest
Gender: Female
Born: 21 BBY (979 GC)
Died: —
Hair Color: Violet
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 1.7 meters
Weight: 52 kg
Skin: Tan
Acrobatics: 8D+1
Blaster: 8D+2
Dodge: 7D+2
Grenade: 6D+2
Lightsaber: 8D
Melee Combat: 5D+2
Melee Parry: 6D+2
Running: 6D
Vehicle Blasters: 5D+2
Bureaucracy: 4D
Cultures: Mandalorian 5D
Intimidation: 6D+2
Languages: 4D+2
Law Enforcement: 3D
Scholar: Artist: 6D
Scholar: Artist Graffiti 7D+2
Survival: 4D+1
Tactics: 5D
Communications: 5D+1
Jetpack Operation: 5D
Repulsorlift Operation: 5D+1
Space Transports: 5D
Space Transports: Kom’rk-Class Fighter/Transport 5D+1
Starfighter Piloting: 4D+1
Starfighter Piloting: A-Wing 5D+1
Starship Gunnery: 6D+1
Con: 5D+2
Hide: 7D
Sneak: 8D
Brawling: 4D+1
Brawling: Martial Arts 5D
Climbing/Jumping: 5D+1
Construction: 5D
Stamina: 6D
Armor Repair: 5D+2
Blaster Repair: 6D+2
Computer Programming/Repair: 7D+2
Demolitions: 8D+2
First Aid: 5D
Repulsorlift Repair: 4D+2
Rocket Pack Repair:
Security: 6D
Space Transports Repair: 5D+2
(A) Weapons Engineering: 4D+1
Special Abilities:
Martial Arts: Sabine knows the following hand-to-hand combat techniques:
Disarm: Moderate. If the difficulty is met, the target is disarmed.
Flying Kick: Difficult. If the roll exceeds difficulty, the flying kick inflicts STR+2D damage. Failure to beat difficulty results in the character being off-balance, allowing the opponent to make an additional attack that same round with no multiple-action penalty.
Force Skills: Control 2D, Sense 3D+2, Alter 2D
Force Powers:
Control: Concentration, Enhance Attribute, force jump
Sense: Life Detection, Life Sense
Alter: Telekinesis
Control and Alter: force push, force boost
Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 18
Move: 10
Equipment: Two Westar-35 blaster pistols (4D+2; 3-10/20/100, drawing this weapon is a free action), Computer-linked Wrist gauntlets (datapad, holographic imagecaster, computer interface, and communications link-up; remote access computer systems 10 meters from the signal), APS-1 airbrush, blast vest (+1 vs energy, +1D vs physical), Mandalorian helmet (+1 vs energy, +1D vs physical; internal HUD display; +2D bonus to all Perception checks in low light environments; macrobinoculars 100-250/500/1,000; +3D to Perception or search for 100-500 meters away; atmosphere filter allows operation in toxic-air environments for 1 hour before filter needs replaced; hands-free internal comlink), Lightsaber (5D).
Background: Sabine Wren was a human female Mandalorian warrior and revolutionary leader during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. Her artistry during the rebellion inspired the symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and her claim over the ancient Mandalorian weapon known as the Darksaber made her a primary symbol to Clan Wren and the hopes of freeing her people’s homeworld of Mandalore from the rule of the Empire.
Before becoming a rebel, Wren was a cadet at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. She built weapons she believed would be used for peace but were instead used against her family and her people. Wracked with guilt, Wren left Mandalore and was branded a traitor by the Empire and her mother, Ursa Wren, leader of the clan. Wren worked as a bounty hunter alongside her friend Ketsu Onyo before being recruited by Captain Hera Syndulla and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus to join their rebel crew aboard the starship Ghost. Together, the crew fights against the Empire and uses Wren’s art to symbolize hope. They became part of a more significant rebel movement, with Wren’s work continuing to inspire the fledgling rebellion.
In 2 BBY, while hunting down the rogue Sith Lord and former ruler of Mandalore Maul, Wren discovered the Darksaber on Dathomir. She initially wanted nothing to do with it. Still, Jarrus and Fenn Rau, a Mandalorian Protector of Concord Dawn who joined the rebellion, convinced her to wield it to unite the Mandalorian people and bring them into the rebellion. Wren returned to her family and convinced them of the Empire’s treachery, helping to kill Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, in the process. After aiding her family in the Mandalorian Civil War, Sabine returned to aid the Rebel Alliance’s struggle against the Empire. Wren and the Ghost Crew eventually returned to Lothal. During this time, Jarrus is killed, but she and the other members of the Lothal resistance group go on to fight to liberate the planet. While they succeeded, it was after her friend Ezra Bridger disappeared into hyperspace with the Star Destroyer Chimaera.
At some point after the liberation of Lothal, Wren became the apprentice of former Jedi Ahsoka Tano. By the time of the Empire’s fall, however, the two had parted ways, and Sabine took residence in the LothalNet comm tower E-272, Bridger’s former hideout. Tano returned to Wren in 9 ABY, and they launched a search for their missing friend, Ezra.
Appearances: Rebels, Ahsoka