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Name: R7-A7
Type: Industrial Automaton prototype R7 Astromech Droid
Degree: 2nd Degree
Class: Astromech droid
Sensor Color: Red or Blue
Plating Color: Various
Gender: Either
Personality Module: Elementary



Astrogation: 5D+1
Starfighter Piloting: 3D+1
Space Transports: 3D+1



Computer Programming/Repair: 4D
Starfighter Repair: 5D

Equipped With:
Three wheeled legs (center leg retractable)
Retractable heavy grasping arm (lifting at 2D)
Retractable fine work heavy grasper arm
Extendable 0.3 meter long video sensor (360 degree rotation)
Small electric arc welder (1D to 5D, as fitting situation, 0.3 meters range
Small circular saw (4D, 0.3 meter range)
Video display screen
Holographic projector/recorder
Fire extinguisher
Small (20 cm by 8 cm) internal “cargo” area
Some additional small tools and equipment

Move: 5
Size: One meter tall
Cost: 4,525 (new)

Game Note: Astromech droids, if acting in co-pilot capacity, may attempt starship repair while in flight.

Background: R7-A7 was an astromech droid with masculine programming who belonged to Ahsoka Tano. During the Clone Wars, he served in the astromech socket of her various starfighters whenever she flew in combat. R7 remained loyal to Tano after her departure from the Jedi Order, and assisted her alongside astromech droids CH-33P and RG-G1 when she found herself on the run from clone troopers after the issuance of Order 66, including capturing Clone Commander Rex to remove his behavioral modification biochip. R7 was destroyed by blaster fire when Tano and Rex were fighting other clones in the hangar of the crashing Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal, but Tano and Rex salvaged his remains from the wreckage. The droid was subsequently rebuilt and ended up in the possession of the Martez sisters, two smugglers working against the Galactic Empire. R7-A7 was part of a prototype Astomech droid series with advanced Navigational Knowledge created by Industrial Automation. The series would not go into production until after the fall of the Empire.

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