Saturday, September 7, 2024


Vela was a cargo pilot that was active during the High Republic Era.


Apailana was a human female monarch who served as the Queen of Naboo during the final days of the Clone Wars and the early days of the Galactic Empire.
Fema Baab

Fema Baab

Fema Baab was a female Human Senator representing the Bajic sector in the Galactic Senate of the Republic.


R5-SK1 was an R5-series astromech droid that served as part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Red Squadron.


R3-S1, nicknamed "Threece," was an R3-series astromech droid with feminine programming that served as part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


K-OHN was an L-1 tactical droid that gave people his programmed skills in exchange for energy and credits.


The Vobati were a little-known sentient species native to Vobes. Valwid Ined was a member of this species.


The Lorrdians, a Human culture from the planet Lorrd in the Kanz sector, were genetically identical to baseline Humans.


Iakaru were a sentient species native to the planet Iakar. Bistan was a member of this species. Having evolved in a jungle canopy, Iakaru had exceptional spatial awareness, aided by sensitive brow tufts. Swinging through the dense trees required keen eyesight, accurate depth perception, and quick reflexes.
Puffer Pig

Puffer Pig

Puffer pigs were a non-sentient, herbivorous, mammalian pig species native to the planet Kyryll's World. Puffer pigs were known to inflate their bodies to a large degree when they felt threatened.


Tibidees were a type of giant silicon-based creature native to Stygeon Prime, though they could also be found on other mountainous Outer Rim planets, such as Oosalon.
“Big Momma” Alpha Fyrnock

“Big Momma” Alpha Fyrnock

Big Momma was a fyrnock known to be many times the size of standard fyrnocks. This creature was far more dangerous than standard fyrnocks, being, in fact, the mother of all fyrnocks.


The RGC-18 landspeeder was a model of landspeeder manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation.
Alderaan Royal Speeder

Alderaan Royal Speeder

The Alderaan royal speeder was a model of speeder used by the House of Organa, the Royal Family of Alderaan.
NovaKite 35-E Porto

NovaKite 35-E Porto

The NovaKite 35-E Porto was a highly mobile portable speeder bike manufactured by Ikas-Adno for civilian use.
Unidentified Starfighter (Acolyte)

Unidentified Starfighter (Acolyte)

The starfighter was carried internally aboard Polan-717 Jedi transports to conduct escort duties and to act as a single-person shuttle as needed.
Exile II

Exile II

The Exile II was a sleek starship utilized by the Force-sensitive assassin Mae-ho Aniseya during the High Republic Era.
Jedi Vector II

Jedi Vector II

Classified as starfighters, Jedi Vectors were designed by Valkeri Enterprises for the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era.
Vela’s Ship

Vela’s Ship

Vela's ship was a Gallofree Yards, Inc JB-05 Clipper that was active as a cargo transport during the High Republic.
Rathtar’s Revenge

Rathtar’s Revenge

The Rathtar's Revenge was a starship owned by the pirate gang known as the Ganguls.


Lantillian Shipwrights manufactured a two person Jedi transport that was utilized by the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era.
WD-2550 Whydah-class Yield Conveyer

WD-2550 Whydah-class Yield Conveyer

The WD-2550 Whydah-class yield conveyer was a model of freighter utilized by the Trade Federation during the High Republic Era. One such freighter, the Fallon, was commanded by Captain Blex.
MC75 Star Cruiser

MC75 Star Cruiser

The MC75 Star Cruiser, also referred to as the MC75 modified star cruiser, was a model of Star Cruiser in the service of the Alliance Fleet.
Braha’tok-class Gunship

Braha’tok-class Gunship

The Braha'tok-class gunship, also known as the Dornean gunship or shortened to Braha'tok, was a model of gunship designed by the Dornean species and built by the Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate to protect the Dornean homeworld, Dornea, and its star system from the Galactic Empire.
Academy for Young Imperials

Academy for Young Imperials

The Academy for Young Imperials on Lothal housed and educated recruits for the Imperial Army.
Fort Anaxes

Fort Anaxes

Fort Anaxes was a Galactic Republic military base built inside a cave on the planet Anaxes during the Clone Wars. After the planet's destruction, the facility remained intact on PM-1203, one of the asteroids in the newly created asteroid belt.
Ryder’s Camp

Ryder’s Camp

Ryder's camp, known previously as Vizago's camp, was the Lothal base of operations of the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago and his Broken Horn Syndicate, and later the Lothal resistance group.
TAU-6-23 “Blastmill”

TAU-6-23 “Blastmill”

A Vulk TAU-6-23 "Blastmill" rotary blaster cannon was a blaster cannon used by the Gigoran mercenary Moroff.


The DT-29 heavy blaster pistol was a heavy blaster pistol that saw use during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Sky Ring

Sky Ring

Sky rings were navigational markers used in racing to denote a course.
Star Wars Rebels – S00E04 – “Property of Ezra Bridger”

Star Wars Rebels – S00E04 – “Property of Ezra Bridger”

Ezra finds a downed TIE fighter on the plains of Lothal. The young rebel opens the ship's hatch—pretending to help the ungrateful Imperial pilot—and leaves with a few souvenirs.
Star Wars Rebels – S00E03 – “Entanglement”

Star Wars Rebels – S00E03 – “Entanglement”

Zeb is delayed when he gets into a fist fight with some Stormtroopers.
Star Wars Rebels – S00E02 – “Art Attack”

Star Wars Rebels – S00E02 – “Art Attack”

Sabine shows off both her artistic and explosive skills against a squadron of stormtroopers.