Name: Ordo Moon
Type: Moon
Temperature: Temperate
Atmosphere: Type III (Breath Mask Required)
Hydrosphere: Arid
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Rocky
Length of Day: 27 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 659 Local Days
Sapient Species: —
Starport: —
Population: —
Planet Function: —
Government: —
Tech Level: —
Trade Routes: Mandalorian Road
Major Exports: —
Major Imports: —
Settlements: —
Points of Interest: —
Flora: —
Fauna: Ordo Moon Dragon
System Data
Region: Outer Rim Territories
Sector: Mandalore Sector
System Name: Ordo System
Star Name: Ordo
Star Type: Yellow
Background: A rocky moon that orbited a blue gas giant possessed a low atmosphere level and was home to the Ordo Moon Dragon, a creature that fed on raw energy. After defecting from the newly-formed Galactic Empire, the former clone troopers of Clone Force 99 crashed their shuttle, the Havoc Marauder, onto the moon when damage to the starship sustained from a previous skirmish on Saleucami threw them out of hyperspace. While the clones attempted to repair their shuttle, an Ordo Moon Dragon stole their replacement capacitor. The young clone Omega retrieved the device, allowing them to repair the Havoc Marauder and escape the moon.