Species: TEXT
Home Planet: TEXT
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Advanced Monocular Vision: Very little escapes the Octeroids’ watchful eye. Their large, single eye affords them a far-reaching field of view. Their peripheral vision, long-distance vision, and low-light vision are all excellent. Still, because of their single eye, Octeroids’ depth perception is somewhat less developed than that of beings with binocular vision and the ability to use parallax. In game terms, Octeroids may re-roll any visually-based Perception or search skill roll they fail. They may do so only once for each failed roll, and they must accept the result of that second roll. However, if an Octeroid attempts a Perception-based task that requires great precision in the gauging depth of field without the aid of sensors or other apparatus, he does so at +1D to the task’s difficulty. Octeroids have a 180-degree field of vision and can see clearly (with only minor adjustment) in most directions except directly behind them. Please note that objects within that 180-degree radius may be reflected in the convex surface of their large eye. Opposed rolls to spot said objects’ reflection gain a +1D bonus to succeed. Due to their large iris, Octeroids can see in low-light conditions, shy of absolute darkness, without penalty.
Aquatic/Atmospheric Limitations: Octeroids require a breathing apparatus to survive in foreign atmospheres outside of their watery homeworld. Without atmosphere exchange breathing tubes, an Octeroid will likely not last long. Each round that an Octeroid breathes a foreign atmosphere without a breathing apparatus, he must check his Moderate stamina. If the Octeroid fails that check, he begins to suffocate. (If this happens, then no further stamina checks are required.) Roll the character’s Strength at the beginning of each subsequent round; if the total is less than the number of rounds since the character failed the check, the character suffocates.
Imprecise Grasp of Basic: Although essentially fluent in Basic, Glaucus’s ability to speak the spoken language is somewhat lacking. If Glaucus must differentiate between homophones to comprehend a phrase, the difficulty of his language skill check increases by one level.
Simple Lifestyle: Although certainly not “primitive” by galactic standards, Octeroids tend to lead simple lives. In addition to their striking appearance, they are known largely for their simple life and satisfaction with simple pleasures. They are seen as gentle giants with little technology who prefer to stay on their watery homeworld.
Small Hands: Due to his (perhaps unusually) small hands, Glaucus suffers a +1D penalty for the difficulty of pickpocketing and hide rolls that involve concealing items in his hands.
Move: 9-11
Size: 1.75-2.25 meters tall
Background: Octeroids were an amphibious sentient species native to the aquatic world of Octero IV. They were known galaxy-wide for their striking appearance and simple lifestyle. They were thought to be gentle giants with little technology, preferring to stay on their homeworld. Octeroids who chose to explore the galaxy had a breathing apparatus developed so they could survive in foreign atmosphere. Glaucus was a member of this species.
Appearances: Solo