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Name: Mos Eisley
Planet: Tatooine
Starport Type: Steller
Traffic: Moderate
Control: Hutt / Imperial
Docking Areas: 362 Hangers
Docking Fee: 30 credits per day
Customs: Local
Law Enforcement: Low
Services: Repair, Fuel, Market, Food, Drink, Lodging, Local Bounties, Vehicles, Stables
Population: 60,000
Points of Interest: Bargoon Tatooni, Buzzee’s, Chalmun’s Cantina, Corporations Road, Court of the Fountain, Crystal Moon Restaurant, Customs House, Cutting Edge Clinic, Desert Survey Office, Desilijic Complex, Dewback Stables, Dim-U monastery, Docking Bay 12, Docking Bay 27, Docking Bay 31, Docking Bay 35, Docking Bay 43, Docking Bay 56, Docking Bay 67, Docking Bay 71, Docking bay 77, Docking Bay 83, Docking Bay 86, Docking Bay 87, Docking Bay 92, Docking Bay 94, Dockside Cafe, Doe See’ybark Bootana, Dowager Queen wreckage, Dune Street, Foamwander Spa, Gardulla Oola, Gep’s Grill, Heff’s Souvenirs, Hutt Chuba’s, Imperial garrison base, Inner Curved Street, Jango Fett Arena, Jawa Traders, Jeh Bonegnawer, Kayson’s Weapons Shop, Kerner Plaza, Krayt Cantina, The Krayt Dragon Lounge, Lucky Despot, Lup’s Wares and Supplies, Market Place, Masse Goskey’s Famous Arms Emporium, Mayor’s Building, Methane Fix Cantina, The House of Momaw Nadon, Mo’ Moolee Rah, Mos Eisley Inn, Mos Eisley Spaceport Control Tower, Motel Nebulus, Notsub Shipping Company headquarters, Notsub Security headquarters, Outer Curved Street, The Paddocks, Paradise Road, Police Station, Power Station, Quebe-Luxfause Systems headquarters, Rayne’s Dune Sea Outfitters, Regional Government Offices, Ruillia’s Insulated Rooms, The Sail Barge Gardens, Shalo’s Cantina, Shiin’s Library, Spaceport Customs, Spaceport Express, Spaceport Hotel, Spaceport Speeders, Spacers Row, Star Chamber Café, Straight Street, Tar Mass, Tatooni Booka, Tatooine militia building, Transport Depot, U Wanna Wanna, Ubrikkian Trade Tower, Woodoo Dunes, Zygian’s Banking Concern (Mos Eisley)

Background: Mos Eisley was located in a valley to the east of the Jundland Wastes and roughly 80 kilometers north of Anchorhead, near the desert palace of Jabba the Hutt. It could be reached from the high ground to the west via the Sluuce Canyon.

From a distance, the spaceport appeared as a haphazard collage of low-grade duracrete, stone, and plastoid structures that spread outward from a central power and water distribution plant. The city lacked a main landing facility; therefore it relied on 362 individual hangars. By order of the Empire, all of these hangars were equipped with time-lock devices. Illegally parked vessels were not an uncommon sight.

The town was really larger than it looked, as a good portion of it lay underground. In fact, it had a population of around 40 to 60 thousand people, varying seasonally.

Streets in the city included Corporation Road, Curved Street, Outer Curved Street, Straight Street, Spacers Row, Paradise Road, Dune Street, and Kerner Plaza. Many citizens rode rontos, dewbacks, and other beasts of burden.

Mos Eisley was divided into the “New Quarter” and the “Old Quarter.” The Old Quarter was originally wheel-shaped and contained a thriving marketplace. Jabba the Hutt also maintained a residence there, known as the Desilijic Complex, since it was difficult to make business from his palace. The New Quarter was more tourist-friendly and was a merchant district where tourists could relax (though there was still much crime). Chalmun’s Spaceport Cantina served as the hub of the newer quarter. Each quarter had individual neighborhoods, such as the rough-and-tumble Tar Mass area.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire established a small garrison in Mos Eisley, although this did not help with the city’s massive crime rates. The base was located near the cantina and whenever an expansion was required, the Empire would simply level surrounding buildings. To support the constant flow of spacers, Mos Eisley featured a large number of hotels, casinos, and cantinas.

The shops district was close to a hangar, the markets, a warehouse, and a housing complex.

John R. Mullaney Illustration – www.thetopdraw.com

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