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Species: Momong
Planet of Origin: Trandosha

Dexterity: 3D+2
Perception: 3D+2
Strength: 2D

Special Abilities
 Arboreal: Momong are natural tree climbers, and can easily move through the branches using their four arms. They gain a bonus 2D to all Climbing/Jumping rolls.
Semi-sentient: Although not highly intelligent creatures, they can be taught some tool use and simple tasks.

Move: 6
Size: 1m
Orneriness: 2D

Background: Momongs, also known as Trandoshan monkeys, were a species of primates that lived in the trees of forests on Wasskah, the moon of the planet Trandosha. They had six limbs, a long tail, big ears and green eyes. Their fur was mostly orange, with occasional black and white patches. The momongs were carnivores and aggressive hunters, preying on the yellow birds known as the convorees. They were at least semi-sentient, as proven by their ability to use simple tools or weapons. During the Clone Wars, many momongs had found their way offworld. In 20 BBY, several momongs were kept in cages in the Governor’s tower by the Zygerrian Darts D’Nar after the Separatists relocated the Togruta from the planet. A momong was seen in a slave market on Zygerria, where it dueled with a Kowakian monkey-lizard with miniature swords.

Appearances: The Clone Wars

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