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Name: Kelnacca
Type: Jedi Master
Species: Wookiee
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Gender: Male
Died: 132 BBY (868 GC)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 2.29m
Skin: Light

Dodge: 6D+2
Melee Combat: 4D+2
Melee Parry: 5D+1
Lightsaber: 7D+2
Vehicle Blasters: 5D+1

Bargain: 4D+1
Command: 7D
Hide: 4D+2
Investigation: 6D+1
Persuasion: 6D+2
Search: 6D+1
Sneak: 6D

Alien Species: 6D+2
Bureaucracy: 6D
Cultures: 6D+2
Scholar: Jedi Lore 6D+2
Languages: 6D
Planetary Systems: 5D
Survival: 7D
Tactics: 5D+1
Willpower: 7D+1

Brawling: 6D
Climbing/Jumping: 5D
Lifting: 5D+1
Stamina: 7D
Swimming: 4D+1

Astrogation: 5D+1
Communications: 4D
Repulsorlift Operation: 5D
Sensors: 5D
Space Transports: 5D+2
Starfighter Piloting: 4D
Starfighter Piloting: Jedi Vector 6D
Starship Gunnery: 5D
Starship Shields: 5D

First Aid: 3D+2
Lightsaber Repair: 5D
Medicine: 4D
Medicine: Biology 4D+2
Security: 7D
Starfighter Repair: 6D+1
Space Transports Repair: 6D+1

Special Abilities:
Berserker Rage: If a Wookiee becomes enraged (the character must believe himself of those to whom he has pledged a life debt to be in immediate, deadly
danger) the character gets a +2D bonus to Strength for purposes of causing damage while brawling (the character’s brawling skill is not increased). The character also suffers a -2D penalty to all non-Strength attribute and skill checks. Due to the Wookiee’s great rage, a character must make a Moderate Perception total to calm down once all enemies have clearly been controlled unconscious, captured, killed or somehow otherwise physically restrained or stopped. Close friends of the Wookiee can coordinate with the Wookiee to make this easier.
Climbing Claws: Wookiees have huge retractable climbing claws which are used for climbing only. They add +2D to their climbing skill while using the claws. Any Wookiee who intentionally uses his claws in hand-tohand combat is automatically considered dishonorable by other members of his species, possibly to be hunted down regardless of the circumstances.

Force Skills: Control 10D+1, Sense 10D+2, Alter 9D+1

Force Powers:
Control: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate healing, concentrate, control pain, detoxify poison, emptiness, enhance attribute, hibernation trance, reduce energy, remain conscious, resist stun, short-term memory enhancement

Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy, sense Force, sense path

Alter: Injure/kill, telekinesis

Control and Sense: Farseeing, lightsaber combat, projective telepathy

Control and Alter: Accelerate another’s healing, control another’s pain, inflict pain, return another to consciousness, transfer Force

Control, Sense, and Alter: Affect mind, control mind, enhanced coordination, Force harmony

Sense and Alter: Dim other’s senses

Force Sensitive: Y
Force Points: 3
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 21
Move: 10

Equipment: Lightsaber (Green)(5D), Jedi Mission Robes, utility belt, datapad, comlink

Background: Kelnacca was a Wookiee Jedi Master of the Jedi Order active during the High Republic Era. In 148 BBY, he was stationed on the planet Brendok with Jedi Master Indara, her Padawan, Torbin, and Jedi Knight Sol. There, the Jedi learned of a coven of witches led by Mother Aniseya and became concerned that they were training children to use the Force, which the witches called the Thread. The Jedi spied on the coven and noticed the twins Verosha “Osha” and Mae-ho “Mae” Aniseya, who often wandered outside the witch’s fortress.

On the night of the twin’s Rite of Ascension ceremony, where they would become witches, the Jedi interrupted the ceremony and entered the courtyard where it was held. Indara introduced the four Jedi and stated their concerns about the witches training children against Republic law. The witches refuted Indara’s claims, stating that Brendok was not part of the Republic and that they had no children. However, after Kelnacca noticed the twins, Indara asked them to come out of the crowd. When Sol suggested that Osha be tested to train as a Jedi, she asked her mother for permission. In response, Aniseya incapacitated Torbin with a Thread ability and threatened not to reverse the effects unless the Jedi left. However, she reluctantly agreed to allow her children to be tested. Following this, the Jedi exited the courtyard.

When Osha and Mae arrived at the Jedi’s starship to be tested the next day, Kelnacca was repairing a damaged speeder bike. While waiting for Mae to finish her testing, Osha approached Kelnacca, and he briefly spoke with her in Shyriiwook before she entered the starship. Kelnacca was now performing other mechanical work when she exited after completing her testing. He noticed her and called out to her in Shyriiwook. In response, Osha half-heartedly smiled at him. When the twins returned to the fortress, Mae started a fire to kill Osha and prevent her from becoming a Jedi. Osha survived after being rescued by Sol, but the rest of the coven was killed. Mae also survived, although she was presumed dead. After the fire, Osha became Sol’s Padawan, although she later left the Order.

By 133 BBY, Kelnacca was posted on the planet Khofar, a forest retreat in the Outer Rim. Sixteen years after the fire on Brendok, in 132 BBY, Osha’s sister, Mae, now an assassin, sought revenge against the four Jedi who had been on Brendok and wanted to kill them to please her master. When Mae requested a poison on Torbin from her supplier, Qimir, he expressed doubts about her ability to kill Kelnacca, as she had already previously failed to kill Torbin, who was meditating during her attempt. Shortly after, Osha, assisting in the investigation into Indara and Torbin’s murders, told Sol about Kelnacca and the other Jedi that Mae was targeting. Later, Qimir informed Mae that he had located Kelnacca on Khofar.

On Khofar, where Kelnacca was living in isolation, he encountered two scavengers outside a wrecked ship wrapped around a tree he was using as a shelter. When one scavenger drew a blaster, Kelnacca Force pulled it to himself and broke it in two with his hands. In response, the scavenger and his companion fled. Sometime later, Kelnacca returned to his shelter with some plants, which he used to prepare a meal. Inside his shelter, the walls were carved with markings resembling a tattoo from the ceremony on Brendok.

In the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, several Jedi, including Sol, met to discuss Mae’s murders. Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh displayed holograms of Kelnacca, Torbin, and Indara, with the two killed displayed in red. She then ordered Jedi Master Holden to extract Kelnacca from his post on Khofar and bring in Mae. After that, Sol convinced Rwoh to call him to bring Osha with them to Khofar.

Mae and Qimir, who had landed on Khofar, began searching for Kelnacca. While they walked, they discussed how Mae’s previous murders had not pleased her master and that she would have to kill Kelnacca without a weapon.

On the way to Khofar, Jedi Knight Yord Fandar briefed the others on the mission in hyperspace. Kelnacca had not been heard from in over a year and had not responded to any of the warnings sent to him by the Jedi. They would use the Tynnan tracker Bazil to find Kelnacca. After landing, Padawan Jecki Lon spoke with locals and learned that Kelnacca had ventured into the forest but never returned. Fandar then provided Bazil with a cloth, which he used to track Kelnacca. The others followed Bazil through the forest toward Kelnacca. Meanwhile, Mae decided to stop her killings and set a trap for Qimir. After he triggered it, she informed him she planned to surrender herself to Kelnacca and left him hanging from a tree. When Mae arrived outside Kelnacca’s shelter, she encountered Bazil, who alerted the Jedi to her presence. She ran and entered the shelter, where she found Kelnacca, who her master had already killed. Shortly after, the Jedi arrived to arrest Mae, but before they could, her master engaged them in a lightsaber duel.

Appearances: The Acolyte

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