Name: Jedi Temple
Planet: Coruscant
Starport Type: Steller Class
Traffic: Medium
Control: Jedi Order
Docking Areas: 10 Hangers
Docking Fee: 0
Customs: Jedi Order / Republic
Law Enforcement: High
Services: Full Service
Population: 9,000 (Jedi)
Points of Interest: High Council Chamber, Jedi Temple Library, Jedi Hanger
Background: The Jedi Temple, also called the Palace of the Jedi, served as the primary headquarters for the Jedi Order between the Great Sith War and the Great Jedi Purge. It was a significant training, administrative, and residential facility for the Order and was jointly managed by the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. The Temple was strictly restricted to Jedi and their allies, with few public areas. However, it was abandoned and heavily damaged during the Declaration of a New Order when the Galactic Empire destroyed the Order. The Temple was later rebuilt for the reformed Order, under the guidance of Luke Skywalker, after the Galactic Alliance came to power.
The origins of the Coruscant Temple can be traced back to 5000 BBY. This was after the Battle of Coruscant of the Great Hyperspace War when the Galactic Republic granted the Jedi land on Coruscant. The land was over the sacred spire, containing a Force nexus. The Republic hoped that by granting the Order land, they would build a massive fortress similar to those they had established on Ossus, Falang Minor, and Haashimut. However, the Order did not want to be involved in the politics of the capital or become a symbol of war. So, they decided to build only a tiny meditative enclave.
The Jedi Order decided to rebuild its academy at the sacred spire after the devastation of Ossus and the Great Jedi Library during the Old Sith Wars. The Four Masters, under the guidance of the Order’s wisest thinkers, began constructing the Temple Ziggurat. Over the next thousand years, the Temple gradually grew and incorporated various historical works and architectural elements of their past. This involved using tiles and stained-glass mosaics from the lost complex in Ossus.
After constructing the four Jedi Council spires, the Jedi High Council moved from their temporary meeting place to the High Council Chamber at the top of the northwestern tower. As the Order became more closely linked to the Republic they protected, they closed some satellite facilities. They began moving all artifacts from Exis Station to the Temple’s Archives. However, following the failed Jedi Conclave at Katarr, the Temple was abandoned. The remaining Jedi Knights hid as Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion initiated the First Jedi Purge. Although the Temple remained abandoned for a brief period, the Jedi reorganized and returned to it following the defeat of both Sith Lords.
The Temple stood as a symbol of hope and strength for the Jedi Order for over three centuries, providing crucial support to the Republic during the devastating Great Galactic War. However, at the peak of this conflict, the Sith Empire, which had been dormant for ages, emerged from hiding and attacked the Temple during the infamous Sacking of Coruscant in 3653 BBY. The Sith, led by Darth Malgus, infiltrated the Temple and massacred the defenders to turn off the security network of Galactic City. After Malgus’ assault team dismantled the Temple, they planted bombs inside it. The bombs were detonated when the Sith fleet opened fire from the skies. The Temple’s exterior crumbled, with its four towers falling onto the tiled roof, leaving it as an empty ruin. Despite this, most of the interior remained intact, serving as a symbolic reminder of the state of the Order after the attack.
The Galactic Senate voted to postpone rebuilding the Temple indefinitely due to a lack of funds after the Treaty of Coruscant was signed. Interim Supreme Chancellor Paran Am-Ris informed Grand Master Zym about the vote. They received his promise that the Temple would eventually be rebuilt and the Sith defeated. Grand Master Zym was then anonymously summoned to the Temple ruins to receive an important message. Surprisingly, he found Commander Gin Lesl there, who was just as confused as him. Bounty hunter Braden then revealed that he had information about the Sith attack on the Envoy and the death of Master Dar’Nala. Commander Lesl was shocked to hear this and was then shot by Braden for having him arrested on Dantooine. In response, Zym drew his lightsaber and demanded that Braden surrender. However, Braden refused and attacked, killing both the Jedi Grand Master and Commander Lesl leaving their bodies among the ruins.
After the Sith Empire was defeated, the Order started rebuilding the Temple. The reconstruction took place over the next three thousand years. Significant additions were made around 3500 BBY, and the Jedi Archives were completed around 2519 BBY. Another addition was made in 2000 BBY, and the Temple Spires were rebuilt in 1019 BBY. However, it was only after the Brotherhood of Darkness was defeated during the New Sith Wars and the Republic Dark Age ended that the Temple was rebuilt, and the Order refocused at the Ruusan Reformation. Most of the Order’s efforts were consolidated on Coruscant, and they closed most of their satellite facilities. They also dismantled the Army of Light and moved away from the aggressive teachings from the war with the Sith. During this period of peace and prosperity, known as the Golden Age, the Order and the Republic believed that the Sith were extinct.
The Temple first came under siege in 44 BBY when a series of robberies plagued the Temple. The High Council ordered Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl to uncover the thief and present him before the Council for judgment. The threat became more serious when the Healing Crystals of Fire went missing, ranging from shredded tunics to missing training lightsabers. Even more extreme, while he wandered through the Room of a Thousand Fountains, an attempt was made on Grand Master Yoda’s life. While Yoda came away unscathed, the entire Temple was afraid as its walls were no longer a buffer against attack. When it was discovered that apprentice Bruck Chun was working in league with the mysterious intruder, the Dark Jedi Xanatos, Masters Jinn, and Tahl began pondering Xanatos’ true intentions. Gathering information from Master Yoda, the two investigating Jedi deduced the Dark Jedi was after the vertex was stored in the Temple Treasury. Planning on setting a trap while Tech Specialist Miro Daroon began cycling the sabotage Temple power grid, Jinn and his Padawan managed to lure Xanatos and Chun to the top of the High Council Tower. While Jinn was able to protect the Temple and recover the Healing Crystals, Xanatos escaped to plague the Order for a time. At the same time, Chun was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi and accidentally killed, having fallen off a waterfall in the Room of a Thousand Fountains. The Temple was also referred to as the Palace of the Jedi.
Following Xanatos’ invasion, the Force became increasingly unclear. To quell the Yinchorri Uprising, six High Council members and several other Order members were dispatched. However, while they were away, Darth Sidious, the enigmatic Dark Lord of the Sith, orchestrated an attack on the Temple. A terror group of Yinchorri was hired to launch an attack on the Temple Ziggurat. They entered through the Atrium off the High Council Tower and found the accommodation sector abandoned. However, they were met by a group of Jedi led by Grand Master Yoda. In the ensuing fight, the Jedi defeated all the attackers, but they lost two of their own: Jude Rozess and Tieren Nie-Tan.
After the Invasion of Naboo and the death of Darth Maul, the High Council learned about a resurgence of the Sith and began preparing for a confrontation. They added new hangar facilities to the Council Towers during the Separatist Crisis to house the Order’s new Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor. However, the People’s Inquest group demanded that the Council release its financial reports, and the Council faced further backlash during the “Baby Ludi” custody case when an Ord Thoden woman accused the Order of kidnapping her daughter. The Inquest movement camped outside the Temple’s main entrance and even breached the Second Atrium of the public entrance during the early morning. Two Padawans tried to calm the riotous students who were throwing graffiti bombs across the Atrium, but Masters Koon and Mundi quickly disposed of them with a Jedi mind trick. The students were then cuffed and handed over to Judicial officers. The High Council decided to transport the child to the Kamparas Training Facility, but protesters camped outside for months and began a rally led by Firris Palbert. The group yelled into loudspeakers and attempted to provoke the Jedi, but they were only met by Judicial Cerisa Vosengoor, who dismissed their claims of Jedi tyranny.
The Jedi Temple became a significant military planning center during the Clone Wars. Jedi took on the role of General within the Grand Army of the Republic, with Jedi Command reviewing and assessing all battle plans and major military campaigns. As a result, the High Council was in near-constant communication with the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. Chancellor Palpatine and several Senators visited the Temple several times during the war, which was uncommon before the conflict. The Temple began to show signs of wear as time previously devoted to cleaning and maintenance was redirected to more pressing tasks such as spacecraft upkeep.
Even during the war, Darth Sidious continued to cause problems for the Temple. Ten months into the war, Count Dooku, Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, led his Droid Army and Dark Acolyte Trenox into the Temple on a mission to destroy the Temple Archives. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker was present at the Temple, killed Acolyte Trenox, and defeated the C-B3 cortosis battle droids that tried to destroy the Stacks. While Skywalker handled the droids, Dooku stole a valuable holocron from the knowledge repository and escaped the Temple unscathed.
Later, Sith-employed bounty hunters Cad Bane and Cato Parasitti attacked the Temple Library. Bane navigated the ventilation system using schematics provided by Sidious, while Parasitti posed as Master Ord Enisence and assisted him. Although Padawan Ahsoka Tano captured Parasitti, Bane could distract the other Jedi long enough to break into the Holocron Vault and escape the planet.
In 20 BBY, one of the hangers at the Jedi Temple was bombed. An investigation conducted by Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano led to the arrest of Letta Turmond, who had planted nano-droids in her husband, a Temple worker, causing the explosion in the hanger.
After the Battle of Coruscant and Judicial Captain Dyne’s work, suspicion arose in the High Council regarding the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. They linked Darth Sidious to influencing the Chancellor, and the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker eventually discovered that Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Sidious were the same person. The Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, and Saesee Tiin, along with Master Shaak Ti and Gate Master Jurokk, prepared the Temple for a Sith attack by turning off all nav beacons and signal lights, sealing all blast doors, and arming older Padawans. However, the duel with the Sith is disastrous, as Skywalker betrays his masters and helps Sidious murder Master Windu. After that, Sidious ordered Darth Vader to raid the Temple with the 501st Legion. Vader killed Gate Master Jurokk and many Jedi present on the Temple steps. Vader also killed Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu and defeated the three Jedi Masters who tried to retake the Archives. Many Jedi and Temple employees died that night, but Jedi Master Shaak Ti led a retreat of several Padawans and their masters. Master Kazdan Paratus also escaped the Temple safely but fled to Raxus Prime and lived in madness, having failed to save the Temple. After securing the Temple, Vader reported to his new master before being sent to Mustafar to slaughter the Separatist Council stationed there.
After the Galactic Empire came into power, the Sith used the Temple to lure surviving Jedi to their death. They broadcasted a fake signal, inviting the Jedi to return to their home as the Clone Wars had ended. The Empire planned to execute the remaining Jedi by taking advantage of their return. The Temple beacon was guarded by clone assassins with special training in killing Jedi, while clones disguised as Jedi patrolled the exterior to deceive anyone who returned. Fortunately, Grand Master Yoda and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi were saved by Senator Bail Organa, and decided to return to the Temple to disable the beacon. This action helped the remaining Jedi to avoid being captured and killed. The Jedi entered the Temple through a sublevel hangar and fought and defeated Decoy Squad Five. They went to the central security station, where they battled clone assassins. After defeating them, the Jedi recalibrated the beacon, warning the survivors to run and hide. While he was there, Kenobi examined the security holos and discovered his worst fear: the person responsible for the massacre was Anakin Skywalker, his previous student and friend. The two Jedi went their separate ways to pursue and eliminate the two Sith, but neither was successful. However, Vader was gravely wounded, which hindered Sidious’s plans for him.
After cross-referencing the names of the deceased with the Archives roster, the clone troopers dragged the bodies of the fallen Jedi outside to the public steps. They then piled them up in a makeshift pyre, visible to anyone who passed by. In the days that followed the occupation of the Temple, a group of Jedi assembled among the crowd outside the public entrance. However, only one attacked the troopers stationed on the steps. This lone Jedi urged his fellow Jedi to join him, but unfortunately, they didn’t. A hail of blaster fire ultimately killed the brave Jedi.
His master gave Darth Vader the task of retrieving the Sith holocrons from the Temple. It was a test of his willpower, as he had to pass through the Force-imbued Temple without succumbing to its horrors. He was accompanied by Armand Isard, the Head of Imperial Intelligence, who had detected a hacker in the Archives. Vader suspected it was the Purge fugitives Roan Shryne and Olee Starstone, but he couldn’t catch them before they escaped. However, Padawan Ekria could slice into the database and delete all records of herself and her fellow Padawans Drake Lo’gaan and Zonder without being detected by the Imperials.
Apart from Jedi and Sith, other visitors came to the Temple after it was abandoned. Captain Gregar Typho, the former bodyguard of the deceased Senator Padmé Amidala, broke into the Temple to discover
After the Dark Side Adepts had stripped the Temple of all its valuable information, the Empire maintained a small presence there to defend against any potential Jedi attacks. Grand Inquisitor Malorum established his office in the Temple, occupying the former living quarters of the Grand Master. During a meeting between Malorum and Darth Vader in the primary levels of the Temple, ex-Jedi Ferus Olin and his friend Trever Flume infiltrated Malorum’s office to search for information on Polis Massa. They were on a mission from Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Malorum and Vader returned to the office while Olin and Flume were still there. With no other options left, Olin and Flume jumped out the window and escaped to the Underworld of Coruscant.
Later, Olin returned to the Temple with Master Fy-Tor-Ana and Flume. Using Ana’s knowledge of the Temple’s additions during the Clone Wars, the three could infiltrate the Storage Level through a maintenance hatch. While searching for a rumored Jedi prison, they discovered that there was no prison, only a large storage chamber that held the lightsabers of their slain brother and sister Jedi. The chamber was also equipped with a motion sensor that would summon stormtroopers to their location. As they fled through the Temple, they learned the complex was rigged to implode using a device Malorum had placed in its core. The group refused to leave the Temple to be destroyed, so they raced to the reactor core, and, with Flume’s explosive expertise, they were able to deactivate the weapon. Although their mission seemed successful, Olin was captured by stormtroopers before he could follow Ana and Flume to safety.
Several months after escaping Sith custody, Olin struggled with the powers of a Sith holocron given to him by Darth Sidious. Upon returning to the Temple to uncover the truth behind the supposed resistance leader Flame, Olin discovered she was working for the Empire. Despite his attempts to contact the Resistance members who were meeting with the traitor, Olin was unable to prevent their slaughter. Before he could escape the Temple, Olin was confronted by the feared Sith Lord, Darth Vader. The confrontation between Vader and Olin led to the Chambers of the High Council, where Olin was ultimately cut down in the High Council tower atrium. Believing Olin to be dead, Vader left the Temple and Olin’s body to rot. However, Olin was alive and managed to escape the Temple for the final time.
Over time, activity at the Temple dwindled to only a small group of troopers whose sole responsibility was to keep out intruders. The Temple was now wholly secured, as Emperor Palpatine had personally overseen modifications to specific areas to encourage the idea that the ancient Order was indeed a cruel and vicious threat all along. Archived data was altered to make the Masters appear corrupt, and Sith statues were added to discredit the Order further. All of this propaganda was set up in anticipation of Palpatine’s guided tours through the Temple, an honor reserved for the Empire’s most high-ranking members and the elite of the elite. Shadow Troopers guarded every entrance and protected the Temple’s treasures under the command of Imperial Senate Sentinels.
After years of abandonment, Darth Vader ordered his secret apprentice, Starkiller, to complete the Jedi Trials at 2 BBY. On his first mission, Starkiller defeated the troopers guarding the Temple steps and faced off against a simulacrum of Sith Lord Darth Desolous in the Jedi Trials Chamber. After overcoming the illusionary battle, he left the Temple before reinforcements arrived. Later, Starkiller returned to complete the Trial of Insight by breaking into the Archives and defeating a simulacrum of Darth Phobos. He then hunted down Jedi Master Shaak Ti.
Starkiller returned to the Temple several months later to complete the Trials on his own accord. He defeated the troopers stationed in the Tower of First Knowledge. He entered the Holocron Chamber, where the Gatekeeper ordered him to complete the Trial of the Spirit by venturing into the depths of the Temple. He fought and defeated a mirror of himself in the Temple’s basement.
The Temple symbolizes the Empire’s power and what happens to those who oppose it. It survived the destruction of the second Death Star and was eventually revisited by Luke Skywalker after the New Republic took control of Coruscant. Luke visited the Temple to learn more about his heritage.