Categories: EquipmentWeapons

Halsey’s Lightsaber

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Model: Halsey’s Lightsaber
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Cost: Not Available For Sale
Availability: 4, X
Difficulty: Difficult
Damage: 5D (see notes)

Game Notes: If an attacking character misses the difficulty number by more than 10 points (the base difficulty; not their opponent’s parry total), the character has injured himself with the lightsaber. Apply normal damage to the character wielding the lightsaber.

Background: This lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Jedi Master Halsey. In 20 BBY, Halsey used his lightsaber against the Sith warrior Savage Opress at Devaron, but the Zabrak grabbed his hand and squeezed it so hard causing Halsey to drop his blade, which fell to the ground. Even so, Halsey was proficient in hand-to-hand combat and was able to retain Opress for a moment, but that wasn’t enough and the Jedi Master was killed.

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PT White

I've been involved in creating content for Star Wars The Role Playing Game since 1992 and consider myself a Star Wars Super Fan and knowledge bank for the Star Wars Universe.

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