Craft: Nubia Star Drives INC H-1 Avius Starfighter
Type: Multi-environment attack fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 11.5 meters
Skill: Starfighter piloting: H-1 Avius
Crew: 2
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 4D, starship gunnery 4D+1
Cargo Capacity: 60 kilograms
Consumables: 2 days
Cost: 125,000
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 9
Atmosphere: 450; 1,300 kmh
Hull: 2D
Shields: 1D+2
Passive: 20/0D
Scan: 40/1D
Search: 65/2D
Focus: 3/3D
2 Laser Cannons (fire linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 4D+2
Background: The Nubia Star Drives INC H-1 Avius Starfighter was a short range attack starfighter that was manufactured at NSD factories around the galaxy during the High Republic Era. One model of the H-1 was stolen by the Ganguls pirate gang on the planet Deppani where a small NSD factory was located.
Appearances: Young Jedi Adventures