Name: Greeata Jendowanian
Type: Entertainer
Species: Rodian
Homeworld: Rodia
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Black
Height: 1.7m
Skin: Green

Acrobatics: 4D
Dancing: 5D+2
Dodge: 4D+1

Alien Species: 4D
Business: Entertainment 3D+1
Cultures: 3D+2
Languages: 3D
Planetary Systems: 3D+2
Scholar: Music & Dance 5D
Streetwise: 2D+2
Value: 3D+1
Willpower: 4D

Musical Instrument Operation: Kloo horn 4D+2

Bargain: 3D
Con: 4D
Persuasion: 3D+2
Singing: 4D

Climbing/Jumping: 3D+2
Stamina: 4D


Special Abilities:

Force Sensitive: N
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 8
Move: 10

Equipment: Gold Jewelry, Kloo horn, datapad, and dance outfit wardrobe

Background: Greeata Jendowanian was a female Rodian who worked as a singer and dancer for the Max Rebo Band. Born on the Rodian homeworld of Rodia, the she was considered an outcast by the violent Rodian society for her love of music and dance. The name “Greeata” was a common name for female Rodians meaning “talented.” Rather than focus on hunting, Greeata absorbed any information she could find on the music and dance of many intergalactic cultures. Having rejected the values of Rodian culture, Greeata left her homeworld to perform as a Kloo horn player aboard the intergalactic cruiseliner Kuari Princess.

In 19 BBY, towards the end of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, she attended a performance of a Mon Calamari opera on the planet Coruscant.

Greeata developed a friendship with Sy Snootles, lead singer for Kuari Princess’s house band. After forcefully rejecting the sexual advances of a male Rodian, Greeata and Sy left the house band to perform as a duo. Evar Orbus discovered the pair performing in the Green Planet nightclub on Tothis. Mesmerized by Snootles’ voice, Orbus asked her to audition for his band. While excited, Snootles said that she would only join if Orbus offered Greeata a spot. After learning that Greeata could sing, dance, and play the Kloo horn, Evar signed her on as a dancer on a per diem rate.

After fifteen years of dancing with Lyn Me and Rystáll Sant, Greeata was first accepted as a full member when Max Rebo founded his own band. During her tenure in Jabba the Hutt’s palace, the Rodian wore bracelets that suppressed her pheromones. In 4 ABY, when performing Jedi Rocks in the palace throne room, fellow dancer Oola was fed to Jabba’s rancor, while the band members were surprised about her death and annoyed about being interrupted. Greeata was horrified and covered her face with her hands, unable to look at what happened to her fellow dancer. However, it was not long after Greeata began singing with the Max Rebo Band that Jabba was killed and his sail barge destroyed. In the chaos that followed, Greeata’s skills with a blaster saved the band from a pack of Tusken Raiders.

Greeata and Rystáll later joined The Palpatones, where they were reunited with Joh Yowza. Greeata attained popularity as the band’s lead singer. Notably, she gained fame with her hit song “Kick the Ranat.”

Four years after the Battle of Yavin, she and the rest of the Max Rebo Band performed for Jabba the Hutt at his palace on the planet Tatooine. The group played the song “Jedi Rocks” for the Hutt, who demanded that they repeat the performance, but then dropped his slave dancer Oola into his rancor pit during the performance, causing the band to stop playing leaving them both shocked and annoyed. Greeata was visibly shocked when Oola was eaten by the rancor, and then witnessed Princess Leia Organa arrive in the palace disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh with the Wookiee Chewbacca as a prisoner. While on Tatooine, she wore an orange crest and gold jewelry.

Jendowanian and her other members of her band were impressed that Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker killed Jabba’s rancor. She fantasied that he had done it to avenge fellow Twi’lek dancer Oola for being fed to the beast by Jabba.

Appearances: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Episode VI Return of the Jedi