Species: Clawdite
Home Planet: Zolan
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Skin-Changer: Clawdites are able to change the color, texture, and shape of their skins, allowing a Clawdite to mimic that of another humanoid species of the same general physical shape. This does not allow Clawdites to generate extra limbs or other appendages, but they are able to imitate the texture and patterns of skin-tight clothing. The transformation is quite painful, and the skin-changer will revert to its normal form if stunned, unconscious, dying, or dead.
Shapeshift: Some Clawdites have developed their skin-changing talents to a greater degree, allowing them to change the length, color, shape, and texture of their hair, as well as the coloration of their eyes. This fine control can even be used to alter specific portions of the Clawdite’s body. This skill counts as an Advanced skill, with a prerequisite of the Con: Disguise skill specialization at 5D or greater. The Shapeshift skill adds its dice to any Con: Disguise die rolls made to imitate a member of a different humanoid species.
Special Skills
Perception: Shapeshift (A): Some Clawdites have developed their skin—changing talents to a greater degree, allowing them to change the length, color, shape, and texture of their hair, as well as the coloration of their eyes. This fine control can even be used to alter specific portions of the Clawdite’s body. This skill counts as an Advanced skill, with a prerequisite of the Con: disguise skill specialization at 5D or greater. The Shapeshift skill adds its dice to any Con: Disguise die rolls made to imitate a member of a different humanoid species.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5 to 1.9 meters tall
Background: Clawdites were a sentient reptilian species whose members could change shape to impersonate any humanoid close to their shape. Adopting a new form, however required great concentration, and wearing heavy armor could interfere with the shape-shifting.
Shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker chased the Clawdite bounty hunter Zam Wesell through Coruscant.
During the Clone Wars, the bounty hunter Cad Bane hired a Clawdite called Cato Parasitti to assist him on a mission to steal a Jedi Holocron from the Jedi Temple by disguising as dead Jedi Ord Enisence, the mission was ultimately a success however Cato was captured and imprisoned for her crimes.
During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire a Clawdite bounty hunter posed as Garazeb Orrelios to infiltrate the Spectres, but was stopped.
In their natural form, Clawdites had the appearance of reptilian humanoids, and in fact had evolved from reptomammals. They had sunken cheeks with a narrow nose and a small mouth. A thin line ran down their foreheads and creased the center of their noses. They possessed large eyes with slit-like pupils, and their irises could be yellow, gold, or blue. Their skin was considered to be rough, and ranged in color from green to yellow. Overall, their appearance was identical to that of their genetic forebears, the Zolanders.
Due to genetic manipulation, Clawdites possessed the extremely rare ability to change their appearance. When using this ability, they could change the color and texture of their skin and eyes, mimicking the appearance of other similarly-shaped beings, such as Humans. Shifting into a Weequay, a species with similar facial features, was considered to be an easy task. Though they could not add physical mass to their bodies, they were able to form hair, and could actually make it quite long. Clawdites were also able to mimic the appearance of clothing or jewelry, provided that the item laid directly on their skin, as it was merely a manipulation of their skin’s texture. They could not change the appearance of their actual clothing, and had to rely on holographic technology in order to change such items.
The growth of their abilities mainly relied upon a Clawdite’s age. Younglings were only able to change color, a talent that began at infancy, and baby Clawdites used different hues and colors to indicate their needs to their parents.
Unlike most shape-changing species, the Clawdite’s shifting abilities actually caused them great physical discomfort. While the range of their abilities varied in individuals, with both age and practice, they could work through the pain of changing in order to alter their appearance in more and more extreme ways. Even the most talented Clawdite, however, lacked the fine coordination it would take to mimic a specific individual’s appearance precisely. Only a very talented Clawdite was able to sleep and retain their altered form. If a Clawdite was suitably distracted or hurt, and certainly if they were killed, they would revert to their true form.
It was thought to be impossible for a Clawdite to actually change their body structure or body mass, though it appeared that some individual Clawdites, such as Zam Wesell, Rolsat Noviee and Nuri, managed this feat through unknown means. As most sentient beings’ bodies were composed mostly of water, xenobiologists speculated that the Clawdites ability to change may have laid in the manipulation of water, and that Wesell may have been able to exert greater control over her body’s water than most. It was further presumed by those in the field that Wesell used some sort of medical device or injected substance, or that she managed to figure out how to expel and consume water in various quantities to reduce or increase her mass. Though scientists attempted to test their theories about Wesell, no Clawdites were willing to subject themselves to study, fearing repercussions or prejudice should their abilities be fully revealed.