Chewbacca (As of the Force Awakens)
Type: Wookiee Warrior / Pilot
Species: Wookiee
Homeworld: Kashyyyk
Height: 2.28 meters
Move: 13
Blaster 6D+2
Bowcaster 10D
Brawling parry 8D
Dodge 6D+2
Grenade 7D
Melee combat 7D
Melee parry 7D
Vehicle blasters 6D+2
Alien species 8D
Bureaucracy 6D
Business 7D
Communications 4D+2
Cultures 4D+2
Intimidation 8D
Languages 5D+2
Planetary systems 9D
Streetwise 7D
Survival 8D
Value 8D
Astrogation 7D
Beast riding 4D
Communications 5D+1
Repulsorlift operation 7D+1
Sensors 6D+2
Space transports 7D+2
Space transports: YT-1300 transports 10D
Starship gunnery 9D
Starship shields 7D+1
Bargain 5D
Command 6D
Gambling 5D+2
Hide 3D+2
Search 4D
Sneak 3D+2
Brawling 10D
Climbing/jumping 7D+2
Lifting 10D
Stamina 10D
Swimming 7D
Blaster repair 7D
Bowcaster repair 7D+2
Computer programming/repair 8D
Demolition 9D
Droid programming 8D
Droid repair 7D+2
First aid 6D
Repulsorlift repair 7D
Security 8D
Space transports repair 9D
Space transports repair: YT-1300 transports 10D+2
Special Abilities:
Berserker Rage: If a Wookiee becomes enraged (the character must believe himself or those to whom he has pledged a life debt to be in immediate, deadly danger) the character gets a +2D bonus to Strength for the purposes of causing damage while brawling (the character’s brawling skill is not increased). The character also suffers a -2D penalty to all non-Strength attribute and skill checks (minimum 1D). When trying to calm down from a berserker rage while enemies are still present, the Wookiee must make a Moderate Perception total. The Wookiee rolls a minimum of 1D for the check (therefore, while most Wookiees are engaged, they will normally have to roll a 6 with their Wild Die to be able to calm down). Please note that this penalty applies to enemies. After all enemies have been eliminated, the character must only make an Easy Perception total (with no penalty) to calm down. Wookiee player characters must be careful when using Force Points while in berserker rage. Since the rage is clearly based on anger and aggression, using Force Points will almost always lead to the character getting a Dark Side Point. The use of the Force Point must be wholly justified not to incur a Dark Side Point.
Climbing Claws: Wookiees have retractable climbing claws which are used for climbing only. They add +2D to their climbing skill while using the skills. Any Wookieee who intentionally uses his claws in hand-to-hand combat is automatically considered dishonorable by other members of his species, possibly to be hunted down – regardless of the circumstances.
Equipment: Bowcaster (4D), ammo bandolier, droid
tool kit, starship tool kit, waist pouch
Force Points: 4
Character Points: 24